Sometimes games go south, and players start getting bitter. How do you know if someone's in full fledged rage mode though? Check out some of these identification methods if you suspect a player might be super salty and on the brink of full on berserker rage.
1. "Lucker Dog"
Are they starting to blame luck for losing their lane? They're probably about to go super aggressive to prove that you only won the first trade on luck. Take advantage by playing safe and accepting the free kills they give you.
2. Your Parent's Basement
If they start referring to your parent's basement, they're probably super salty. They've accepted the fact that you're better than them, but only because the basement is optimal for keeping your gaming equipment cool and running in top shape.
They may also be referring to something meaner, but again, they're super salty so who knows?
3. "Tryhard"
If you're referred to as a tryhard, especially in ranked, the salt is literally dripping. You're only winning because you want to win. I mean who tries to win in ranked? That's enough to make anyone salty.
4. All: My Teammates Blow
When an enemy team starts referring to their teammates in all chat, you can tell the salt is escalating so high that breathing starts getting difficult with all the tears in the room. Players at this point are teetering right on the edge waiting for a "what do you mean?" to pull them over.
5. Mastery Emote Spam
After performing poorly for a long period of time, you might see someone spam their emote after finally doing something nearly useful. You may take this as,
"I've played this champion a ton but still have no idea what I'm doing, please help."
6. Why Wasn't Urgot Banned?
This is a clear indication of salt. After getting spanked for a while, players often ask why some arbitrary, never banned champion, isn't banned. Another example includes "da f...who doesn't ban [insert last pick on enemy team here]".
7. LAG
Often in conjunction with #1, salty players like to give excuses for failure. Common examples include:
- I sneezed
- Windows Updates
- My goldfish is running away
8. Hitbox Denial
Sometimes it's easier to just blame Riot. "There's NO WAY I was in range of GP ult"
I mean, this one should be fairly obvious, and somehow people do indeed get salty enough to say things like:
- If this guy ganks me ONE MORE TIME I'm going to afk
- If Blitzcrank pulls someone ONE MORE TIME I'm going to afk
- If some one other than me gets a kill near me ONE MORE TIME I'm going to afk
10. Griefing
The final stage of salt, a player at this level has lost all will to win. The only thing they want to do at this point is fill their own bucket of tears with someone else's.
A player at this stage of salt may do numerous things such as (note that I do not condone any of these):
- Repeatedly walk into turrets;
- Follow the allied jungler around taking their farm;
- AFK in base;
- Sell all their items and buy Tear of the Goddess (multiple ones); and
- Telling the enemy team allied movements.
The article above is meant for us to reflect on some of the salt we've experienced and possibly even the salt we've dealt. However, if you find yourself in one of these positions, just realize that salt and winning is like drinking water after eating a habanero pepper.
It might feel better for a little bit, but it's not gonna make the pain stop.