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Weird Picks #47: Ashe Mid


Are you someone who likes initiating but is also risk-adverse? Ashe mid may just fit the bill. As a high sustained poke champion with excellent initiation abilities, Ashe performs well in a number of scenarios. However, as a mid-laner she also gains access to blue buff, greatly increasing her casting utility.

Check out the details below!


Are you someone who likes initiating but is also risk-adverse? Ashe mid may just fit the bill. As a high sustained poke champion with excellent initiation abilities, Ashe performs well in a number of scenarios. However, as a mid-laner she also gains access to blue buff, greatly increasing her casting utility.

Check out the details below!

How to Play
Runes: Attack Speed Quints, Attack Damage Reds, Flat Armor Yellows, Flat Magic Resist Blues
Masteries: 18-12-0, Fervor Masteries
Abilities: W, Q, W, E then prioritize R > W > Q > E
Core Items: Essence Reaver, Statikk Shiv, Berserker Greaves, Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer, Last Whisper

    Why It Works

    Excellent Initiation
    Ashe's signature move, her Enchanted Crystal Arrow (R), allows for excellent teamfight initiation as well as gank assistance in-lane. As a result, she provides a much needed staple of any team, and having her works well in most compositions.

    Cooldown Independent Harass
    A champion that does not rely solely on her cooldowns for damage, Ashe also sports 600 range, one of the highest bases of any champion in the game. When she fights against squishy mages, she just has to dodge a spell or two early game to rain down excellent trades via her auto attacks.

    Amazing Blue Buff Synergy
    The majority of the time, people tend to pick up champions mid-lane that can utilize blue buff effectively. Generally this means mages, but has also trended towards AD based champions like Ezreal and Varus. Ashe also benefits greatly from having blue, especially with her four second base cooldown on max level Volley (W).

    Potential Pitfalls

    Low Mobility
    In the past, Ashe's main issue mid lane was that she was a low mobility mage, resulting in easily getting camped by junglers. However, with pink buff as a permanent fixture and scuttle crabs on both sides of the river, low mobility champions are not as vulnerable as they used to be. As a result, she's a little less prone to getting sat on.

    Low Burst Damage
    Although Ashe's new kit changes gives her significantly higher burst damage in the way of an attack speed boost, she's still very much a sustained damage dealer rather than a true burst mage, even when she's fed. However, there are plenty of poke/engage mages that are perfectly viable on the rift, and Ashe certainly fits the bill.

    Relatively Low Waveclear
    With low enough cooldown, Ashe's waveclear is not too shabby, especially with Statikk Shiv to supplement it. However, she'll almost never have instantaneous waveclear like some of the other mages on the rift. As a result, she's somewhat a jack-of-all-trades as a mid-laner, but doesn't excel in any particular area.


    Mid lane Ashe is an excellent off-meta pick as a result of her blue buff synergy and good trading power with mages early game. However, late game you may find her a bit lacking in the burst damage assassination category. Nevertheless, she packs excellent poke and initiation power, hallmarks of a good midlaner.

    Suggested Rating: Tier 2

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