Preface Chatter
Still working on the new developments for this tier list, but in the meantime check out the updates for Patch 4.17! Tons of new changes including reworks on Viktor and Soraka as well as a slew of buffs on some older underplayed champions.
Let's hop right into it!
Patch 4.17 Summary
Buffs: Cassiopeia, Garen, Heimerdinger, Karma, Leblanc, Miss Fortune, Nautilus, Rammus,
Nerfs: Maokai, Nidalee, Talon, Tristana
Reworks: Viktor, Soraka
The Tier ListSearch for a champion:
God Tier [Highest Influence]:
Mid-Lane Gods: Katarina, Ahri
Jungle Gods:Amumu, Rammus, Wukong, Kha'Zix, Jarvan IV, Maokai, Warwick, Fiddlesticks
AD Gods: Tristana, Lucian, Corki, Jinx
Top Lane Gods: Wukong, Ryze, Maokai, Fiora
Support Gods:Morgana, Janna, Leona, Blitzcrank
Tier 1 [Strong/Preferred Choices]:
Mid-Lane:Talon, Lux, Fizz, Swain, Akali, Malzahar, Vel'Koz, Brand, Ziggs, Galio, Zyra, Xerath, Syndra, Zilean, Anivia, Morgana, Heimerdinger, Orianna, Wukong
Jungle: Vi, Sejuani, Pantheon, Skarner, Nunu
AD Carry: Draven, Miss Fortune, Caitlyn
Top Lane: Rumble, Swain, Warwick, Lulu, Irelia, Akali, Malphite, Jarvan IV, Tryndamere, Gnar, Yorick, Singed, Teemo, Vladimir, Lissandra, Pantheon
Support: Sona, Nami, Vel'Koz, Zyra
Tier 2 [Viable/Balanced Choices]:
Mid-Lane: Twisted Fate, Yasuo, Diana, Lissandra, Pantheon, Lulu (AP), Annie, Viktor, Kayle, Karma, Zed, Karthus, Fiora, Mordekaiser, Vladimir, Teemo, Ryze, Jayce
Jungle:Nautilus, Master Yi, Lee Sin, Volibear, Udyr, Xin Zhao, Rengar, Kayle, Jax, Shaco, Zac, Cho'Gath, Nocturne, Tryndamere, Aatrox, Olaf, Malphite, Dr. Mundo, Nasus, Trundle, Diana, Zed
AD Carry: Kog'Maw, Vayne, Graves, Sivir, Ashe, Varus,
Top Lane: Kennen, Riven, Nasus, Heimerdinger, Darius, Volibear, Yasuo, Alistar, Rengar, Jax, Renekton, Dr. Mundo, Trundle, Aatrox, Udyr, Karma, Garen, Lee Sin, Kha'Zix, Shyvana, Kayle, Cho'gath, Olaf, Gangplank, Xin Zhao, Viktor, Poppy, Quinn, Vi, Jayce, Zed
Support: Thresh, Braum, Alistar, Lulu, Xerath, Zilean, Annie, Karma, Taric, Fiddlesticks, Soraka
Tier 3 [Needs Higher Skill/Knowledge Than Usual]:
Mid-Lane: Sion, Kassadin, Kennen, Gragas, Veigar, Leblanc, Nidalee (AP), Kha'Zix, Riven, Tristana, Cho'Gath, Fiddlesticks, Kog'maw, Ezreal (AP), Elise
Jungle:Hecarim, Evelynn, Leona, Elise, Shyvana, Shen, Malzahar, Yasuo, Fiora, Gragas, Riven, Poppy, Darius, Fizz
AD Carry: Ezreal, Quinn, Twitch, Twisted Fate, Kennen
Top Lane: Shen, Gragas, Nidalee, Master Yi, Zac, Talon, Elise, Mordekaiser, Sion, Vayne, Nunu, Galio
Support:Volibear, Nautilus, Lux, Gragas, Maokai, Nunu, Kayle, Teemo, Malphite, Anivia, Syndra, Veigar, Gangplank
Tier 4 [Low Benefits for Effort Used]:
Mid-Lane: Cassiopeia, Urgot, Soraka, Azir, Janna
Jungle:Gangplank, Garen, Blitzcrank
AD Carry: Urgot
Top Lane: Soraka, Urgot
Support: Nidalee, Orianna, Poppy, Elise, Galio, Shen, Yorick, Lissandra, Ashe, Leblanc
- Champions in BOLD I will talk about shortly
- Champions UNDERLINEDmay be over/undervalued, but aren't/haven't played enough for me to make a better judgement.
- Within each tier the champions are strongest from left to right, but within a tier each champion's strength is relatively close. This is especially true for Tiers 2 and 3 where these champions are ALL highly playable and player dependent on how strong they are in-game.
- This tier list takes data from ALL players; however, since the majority of players fall in the first three tiers, the majority of data points will come from there.
- Win Rates are important in analyzing each champion's strength, but are not the end-all criteria for any champion's position.
- The creator of this list is diamond, so there may be some personal bias towards higher tier play on certain champions.
Champion Explanations
- Azir [Tier 4 Mid]: Azir offers very little in the way of obvious damage, and his skills are difficult to synergize with, hence his rock bottom win rate. There's probably a skill cap factor involved as well; this combined with the fact that nothing he does it very understandable for allies nor offers enough benefit to utilize on enemies means that he's not viable for solo queue at the moment.
- Brand [Tier 1 Mid]: Despite seeing next to no professional play, Brand is actually very strong in solo queue right now simply due to his insane amount of damage and surprisingly long CC and range. With nerfs on other popular mid laners the community will soon remember what a lane bully he was upon release. Poor Annie.
- Braum [Tier 2 Support]: Despite many people still reliving the horrors of pre-nerf Braum in their mind repeatedly, he's really not as strong as you remember him to be.
- Cassiopeia [Tier 4 Mid]: Simply put, she still needs more. Her win rate rose from 39% to 44%, but that just makes her better than Urgot (which is nothing to write home about).
- Garen [Tier 2 Top]: His buffs have made him surprisingly strong; we'll see where it takes him. A lot of champion in the current scene are still highly mobile, which causes difficulties for him.
- Janna [God Tier Support]: I've wanted to keep her a secret while I stack up the free wins, but after worlds I think it's no secret that she's OP now. She may be stronger than Morgana in some regards, but I think that a lot of her success still comes from the fact that Morgana is banned 100% of the time in solo queue.
- Katarina [God Tier Mid]: Katarina is an absolute monster in solo queue right now as champion after champion gets nerfed. Even if she goes relatively even in lane, you'll hear a lot of "I did fine until she started feeding off you guys".
- Malzahar [Tier 1 Mid]: Malzahar, like Brand is a solo queue machine and does very well slaying assassins, tanks, and everyone in between. His laning phase is also very simple and as long as you remember to place W under a champion before you R, his success rate is very high.
- Miss Fortune [Tier 1 ADC]: The strut change is significant, although limited in use.
- Nidalee [Tier 3 Top]: Nidalee's nerfs have brought her down a whole new level from "Needs experience to do well" to "needs experience to do mediocre". I suggest staying away from her completely now unless you know you're just THAT good at her (and that bad at everyone else).
- Soraka [Tier 2 Support/Tier 4 Mid]: She'll likely move up in both places, but I'll reserve judgement for now as I haven't actually played her mid and while she's definitely a better than before her rework, it doesn't appear to instantly place her above other crowd favorites.
- Talon [Tier 1 Mid]: Although his silence removal does offer "counterplay", the change to his silence really only affects players under Diamond, so expect to see a lot of high ranked players saying the nerfs meant nothing. The speed at which Talon can execute his entire combo honestly doesn't offer any counterplay once he gets fed. Death is the hardest CC, just ask Katarina.
- Tristana [God Tier ADC]: Simply put, her nerfs were relatively meager in comparison to her power level, and very situational where it would cost a lost lane or game.
- Vi [Tier 1 Jungle]: Moving Vi down simply to make a bit of room in the god tier junglers. She's still strong, but not as impactful.
- Viktor [Tier 2 Mid]: His rework gave him some new life, but I'm seeing some mixed reactions on the charts, keeping an eye out for him.
- Vladimir [Tier 1 Top]: Vladimir's seen a steady climb after Riot nerfed spellvamp long long ago. With the elimination of a lot of his predators, he's finding new prey.
- The purpose of this list is for discussion and to provide a starting point for hero selection.
Agree? Disagree? Comment below!