Yone/Yasuo EVERY Game
Ever since the release of Yone, we've been seeing Yone + Yasuo in nearly every normal game and they're starting to leak their way into ranked games...where they're not banned. In this post, we just wanted to go over some of the common combos and some thoughts on optimal setups.
Yone + Yasuo Bot Lane (Normals)
This is the most common of the combination (in normals) and generally, you see Yasuo as the CS'er or both CS'ing together. Once in awhile Yone CS's, but this is fairly rare.
Thoughts on Combo: This combination is sometimes good but relies heavily on:
- Coordinated all-ins;
- Managing minion waves; and
- Strong Yasuo mechanics.
Yasuo needs to maintain an escape path for when Yone snaps back. Overall, it's a very feast or famine kind of lane and against common lane setups tends to be zoned heavily until the enemy jungler comes.
The level two power spike is decent, but the Yasuo needs to be good.
Yone Mid + Yasuo Bot Lane (Ranked)
This setup seems to be optimal, especially if it's paired with a Janna or similar ranked peel support bot lane. Yasuo has a much better time dealing with ranged champions, and Yone needs levels to maintain his effectiveness. Both Yone and Yasuo do well mid-lane, but Yone's bot lane presence is weak in most match-ups.
Yone Builds
Unsurprisingly, Yone's best builds are largely the same as Yasuo's, largely focusing in on the following items: Statikk Shiv/Phantom Dancer, Infinity Edge, and Deaths' Dance.
There are also a few Wit's End or Frozen Mallet builds that players are trying (again, same as Yasuo). However, overall this seems to be the trend given just how powerful his passive crit item bonus is.
Similarly, runes are largely the same as Yasuo with Conqueror vs Fleet Footwork being a matter of preference.
Overall Thoughts on Yasuo/Yone Combo
Yone is definitely starting to be a very strong champion overall and maintains a ton of utility. However, Yasuo is still the "stronger" laner and has much better early to mid game damage and utility. On the other hand, Yone has stronger utility late game since he doesn't need charge anything up or rely on his teammates to use his ultimate.
Together, they make a potent team....just not necessarily in the same lane to start.