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Top 10 Ways You're Trolling and Don't Even Know

Are You Trolling? Sometimes you're playing a game and it looks like you're doing pretty well. Maybe you're 1-0-3 and your team's dying left and right, swatted down like flies. The game ends and your team is annoyed at you for some reason. Are they right? Have you somehow trolled your team despite having the best score? Awkwardly, it's possible that you've been trolling your team and your own ranked rating but don't really know it. Check out some common ways that you might be accidentally trolling!

Are You Trolling?

Sometimes you're playing a game and it looks like you're doing pretty well. Maybe you're 1-0-3 and your team's dying left and right, swatted down like flies. The game ends and your team is annoyed at you for some reason. 

Are they right? Have you somehow trolled your team despite having the best score?

Awkwardly, it's possible that you've been trolling your team and your own ranked rating but don't really know it.

Check out some common ways that you might be accidentally trolling!

Recalling After an Ace

This one's a common mistake. Sometimes there are good reasons to recall after an ace like you need to reset for an objective. On the other hand, there are a lot of players who recall after all the enemies have died just to go spend their gold.

Unless you're in danger of a respawning enemy Karthus, this is almost always the worst thing you can do. When all the enemies are dead this is the only time in the game where you have free reign to either push for objectives or take over the enemy jungle. Look for an advantage (ANY advantage) before you look to go home and spend your gold.

Chasing Kills

Similar to recalling after an ace, many players tunnel on kills over taking objectives or setting up for the next play. Even if you can catch enemies, it's almost never worth chasing someone down when you can start doing objectives instead. Many games have been lost to chasing kills instead of pushing for inhibitors. Even if your score looks better, your LP is crying for help.

Picking Non-Meta Champions

I love a Weird Pick Wednesday as much as the next person, maybe even more...but make no mistake, if you're picking an off-meta champion it's for the fun, not for the win. Meta champions are meta for a reason, and if you're picking a low tier off-meta champion you're probably trolling. Even if you do the most damage and have the most kill participation, you could have done more with a stronger pick.

AFK at Start

For some strange reason, going AFK at the start of the game before minions spawn is a problem at all divisions. Players take that momentarily lull in action to go to the bathroom or pick up a snack. However, if you're not there at the start of the game to defend your jungle or participate in a team invade, you are in fact, trolling.

Not Helping Teammates

Sometimes your teammates are in the midst of a terrible play and you need to run away to survive to save the game. On the other hand, sometimes your teammates are just real a*holes and you don't feel like using your heal summoner on them. However, if you're not helping that support or assisting your flaming jungler in river, you're dropping your chances of winning. There's no reason to not help your teammates unless they're truly intentionally feeding and you need your summoners to save yourself. On the other hand, if they're intentionally feeding you're probably going to lose the game anyway.

Help your teammates even if you don't want to.

Being Too Willing to Change Roles

There are some players who are extremely confident in their abilities to play every role in the game. However, some players are far too willing to change roles without even checking to see if the person requesting a swap is actually better at the off role. Sometimes it's best to just keep your role and let them play their off role.

Duo Queuing

I'll probably get a lot of flack for this one, but duo queueing is in my opinion, for fun and not for increasing your chances of winning. Every duo gets a natural MMR boost against harder opponents just because you're playing together. If your synergy or raw skill doesn't exceed that MMR boost greatly, then you've lowered your chances of winning. 

On the other hand, it's fun playing with another person and does prevent you from tilting as quickly. However, just know that Riot's matchmaking system will penalize you for duoing and reduce your chances of winning with their invisible hand.

Not Looking Up Teammates

There are so many ways to look up your teammates during champion select now that if you don't do it then you're greatly reducing your chances of winning. Banning one of your ally champion one-tricks is a sure-fire way to lose the game quickly. Even if they don't hover them, don't rely on your teammates to be smart enough to tell you not to ban the only champion they know how to play.

Information is power.

Tunneling Builds

Some players build the same exact thing every single game no matter what the situation or what the team compositions look like. However, in order to increase your chances of winning, always consider what the optimal items are and don't get to focused on your own build. Sometimes an Executioner's Calling actually beats out of a B.F. sword against certain lanes and if you pay attention then you'll greatly improve your chances of winning.

Splitting Lane Farm

This last one is most rampant mid lane. Players often congregate mid lane and all try and farm the same minion wave. This is not only obnoxious for the mid-laner, but also highly inefficient. There are three lanes and if you don't have someone farming each lane you're missing out on a ton of gold. If you see someone else moving towards a big minion wave, just go to a different minion wave. Don't split farm with them and certainly don't teleport to get ahead. 

Always maximize your time and resources and stop trolling yourself out of LP.

Got more tips? Which of these do you agree/disagree with? Comment below!

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