Marksmen in 2017? Bruiser-style. Check out the details below!

Traditionally played with Essence Reaver, Ashe in her current form is sporting the new and improved Blade of the Ruined King courtesy of the Korean meta. Although it doesn't proc five times on her Ranger's Focus [Q], it does synergize well with Hurricane and Black Cleaver to provide an extremely difficult to kill marksman.Marksmen in 2017? Bruiser-style. Check out the details below!
How to Play
Runes: Attack Speed Quints, Attack Damage Reds, Flat Armor Yellows, Flat Magic Resist Blues
Masteries: 18-12-0, Fervor of Battle Masteries
Abilities: W, Q, W, E then prioritize R > W > Q > E
Summoner Spells: Flash + Heal
Starting Items: Doran's Blade + Potion
Core Items: Blade of the Ruined King, Black Cleaver, Ruanaan's Hurricane, Berserker's Greaves, Infinity, Phantom Dancer
Masteries: 18-12-0, Fervor of Battle Masteries
Abilities: W, Q, W, E then prioritize R > W > Q > E
Summoner Spells: Flash + Heal
Starting Items: Doran's Blade + Potion
Core Items: Blade of the Ruined King, Black Cleaver, Ruanaan's Hurricane, Berserker's Greaves, Infinity, Phantom Dancer
Why It Works
Black Cleaver + Hurricane + Ranger's Focus [Q] SynergyAshe's Ranger's Focus [Q] places max Black Cleaver stacks on her target in two hits, which also works with Ruanaan's Hurricane to place Cleaver stacks on three targets simultaneously. This allows Ashe to quickly shred teams with ease as a hypercarry.
Powerful Sustained Teamfight DamageAshe's ability to kite enemy teams is extremely good, but is limited by her survivability. By combining Blade of the Ruined King with Black Cleaver, Ashe becomes tanky marksman that can eat a good amount of damage and still keeps on ticking.
Decent Early Cooldown Reduction
Although this build doesn't match up with Essence Reaver in terms of sheer cooldown, building Black Cleaver early does allow Ashe to retain 20% cooldown reduction. This allows her to spam more of her arrows to maximize her utility.
See below for proof of the cleaver interaction:
Potential Pitfalls
Lower Late Game Damage VS Tanks
Although Black Cleaver is a decent armor shredding item, Last Whisper and its upgrades tend to do more damage against tanks late game. This means that against heavy tank teams, this build does not work quite as well as the standard build.
10% Cooldown Loss
This build only gets up to 20% cooldown reduction. This results in slightly fewer arrows during the course of the game and slightly fewer volleys. Although the survivability more than makes up for it, this is still a concern.
Although Black Cleaver is a decent armor shredding item, Last Whisper and its upgrades tend to do more damage against tanks late game. This means that against heavy tank teams, this build does not work quite as well as the standard build.
10% Cooldown Loss
This build only gets up to 20% cooldown reduction. This results in slightly fewer arrows during the course of the game and slightly fewer volleys. Although the survivability more than makes up for it, this is still a concern.
This Ashe build is getting a lot of attention in the competitive scene as a result of the high utility it provides and the excellent poke damage. In solo queue it's not quite as effective simply because this a team fighting build rather than a solo carry build, but it still does quite well.
Suggested Rating: Tier 1