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Weird Picks #77: Burst Mode Ezreal Mid

Ezreal is one of those champions that is extremely fun to play, and also scales off both ability power and attack damage for high flexibility in his build path. The guide below allows him to 100 to 0 most champions in the game, and can be extremely fun if played well.

It's a bit unreliable, but the combo power is absurd. Check out the full guide below!


Ezreal is one of those champions that is extremely fun to play, and also scales off both ability power and attack damage for high flexibility in his build path. The guide below allows him to 100 to 0 most champions in the game, and can be extremely fun if played well.

It's a bit unreliable, but the combo power is absurd. Check out the full guide below!

How to Play
RunesMagic Penetration Quints, Precision RedsFlat Armor Yellows, Scaling Cooldown Reduction Blues or Magic Resist
Masteries: 12-18-0, Thunderlord Masteries
Abilities: Q, E, W then prioritize R > W > E > Q
Summoner Spells: Flash + Ignite
Starting Items: Doran's Ring + 2 Potions
Core Items: Hextech Gunblade, Lichbane, Sorcerer's Shoes, Zhonya's Hourglass, Void Staff, Deathcap

Why It Works

Massive Single Target Burst Damage
Hextech Gunblade + Lichbane does an absurd amount of damage, especially when combined with Thunderlord's on Ezreal's E + Q + W combo. This allows him to trade extremely well and/or simply 100 to 0 enemy champions mid to late game.

Hybrid Synergy
Ezreal is one of the few champions who can make full use of hybrid runes and items, and also has the ability to maximize the effectiveness of the precision mastery that grants both Lethality and Magic Penetration.

Safe Long-Range Poke Damage
Although this build doesn't have the same level of sustained poke power as Blue Ezreal, this build does considerably more as a result of the damage boost on his Essence Flux [W]. His Mystic Shot [Q] also does good damage as it procs Sheen/Lichbane and scales with ability power as well.

Better Attack Speed Boost
Standard Ezreal skill paths max Essence Flux last. However, maxing it doubles the attack speed bonus it grants from 20% to 40%. This allows his team to take down objectives much faster, especially if they have an auto-attack heavy team composition.

Potential Pitfalls

Dangerous All-In
As an extremely squishy champion, Ezreal's burst damage is a bit unreliable as he has four skillshots and must use his only escape at close range to maximize his damage. As a result, he can easily be outplayed if the enemy is on the lookout for his all-in burst.

Weak Waveclear
Ezreal has extremely limited waveclear outside of his ultimate. As a result, he is suspectible to getting pushed into turret and enemy mid lane roaming.

No Crowd Control
As a result of Ezreal's lack of crowd control, even if the enemy mid laner pushes to his turret, he has a tough time enabling jungle ganks without a good source of crowd-control. You can carry exhaust, but it will limit your snowballing potential.


This build is one of my personal favorite ways to play Ezreal, and allows you to throw out an insane amount of damage extremely quickly. Once you get some ability power, he gains the ability to kill squishies with simply his ultimate and an auto attack.

Just beware of flashes and dashes, which will ruin your day and make you look silly.

Suggested Rating: Tier 3

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