All-in-all, she works somewhat like an Annie support, and excels in low cooldown multi-target stuns and single target champion deletion. Check out the details below!

Syndra support started gaining popularity recently ever since she dropped out of favor mid lane compared to lethality-based casters. She also works well against Malzahar, which is a benefit that few other supports can brag about.All-in-all, she works somewhat like an Annie support, and excels in low cooldown multi-target stuns and single target champion deletion. Check out the details below!
How to Play
Runes: Magic Penetration Quints, Magic Penetration Reds, Flat Armor Yellows, Magic Penetration Blues
Masteries: 12-18-0, Thunderlord Masteries
Abilities: Q, E, W then prioritize R > Q > E > W
Summoner Spells: Flash + Exhaust
Starting Items: Spellthief's Edge + 2 Potions
Core Items: Eye of the Watchers, Sorceror's Shoes, Morellonomicon, Liandry's TOrment, Void Staff, Rabbadon's Deathcap
Masteries: 12-18-0, Thunderlord Masteries
Abilities: Q, E, W then prioritize R > Q > E > W
Summoner Spells: Flash + Exhaust
Starting Items: Spellthief's Edge + 2 Potions
Core Items: Eye of the Watchers, Sorceror's Shoes, Morellonomicon, Liandry's TOrment, Void Staff, Rabbadon's Deathcap
Why It Works
Low Cooldown AOE Stun/KnockbackAs a support, Syndra's utility lies mostly in her Scatter the Weak (E) stun. With this, she can potentially land full team stuns from max range, without the use of flash. In this regard, she plays somewhat similar to Morgana offensively and looks for picks to initiate on.
Good Malzahar Support CounterWith Malzahar support still being a very popular pick, Syndra's Force of Will (W) allows her to prevent Malzahar's voidlings from spawning additional ones, making her work well as a counter to the latest support trend.
Single Target Deletion Power
Although Syndra support's ability to one shot carries is significantly lower than mid-lane Syndra, her base damage is still very good and can take the majority of the enemy champion's health, leaving them low enough for your marksman to finish them off.
Potential Pitfalls
No Shields or Sustain
Without shields or sustain, Syndra cannot make good use of the Redemption, resulting in a slightly worse off team fight potential compared to traditional supports.
High Skillcap
In lane, supports are easier to harass with since marksmen tend to be very focused on CSing. However, late game Syndra remains a high skillcap champion that needs to hit her multi-spell stun to be useful.
Without shields or sustain, Syndra cannot make good use of the Redemption, resulting in a slightly worse off team fight potential compared to traditional supports.
High Skillcap
In lane, supports are easier to harass with since marksmen tend to be very focused on CSing. However, late game Syndra remains a high skillcap champion that needs to hit her multi-spell stun to be useful.
Syndra as a support is overall worse off than mid-lane Syndra in terms of overall effectiveness. However, she works well as a counter-pick to Malzahar and can still end up very strong if she's up against some squishy bot-laners.
Suggested Rating: Tier 3
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