Team Composition Score Card
AOE Damage: B
Crowd Control: A
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 4
Diving Power: S
Dueling Power: A
Initiation: S
Poke Power: B
Pushing Power: B
Sustain: B
Synergy: S
Waveclear: A
Early Game: A
Mid Game: A
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: B
Crowd Control: A
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 4
Diving Power: S
Dueling Power: A
Initiation: S
Poke Power: B
Pushing Power: B
Sustain: B
Synergy: S
Waveclear: A
Early Game: A
Mid Game: A
Late Game: A
Super Late Game: B
S = Amazing!, A = Good, B = Average, C = Below Average, F = Bad
Everyone loves a good speed comp, and since we haven't had a new one in a while, I figured we could make use of the new Warwick combined with one of the newest champions on the rift, Kled!
This team composition features three stacking AOE speed boosts coupled with two of the strongest solo engagers in the game. As a result, you get a team that is impossible to catch or escape.
Let's check out the members:
This team composition features three stacking AOE speed boosts coupled with two of the strongest solo engagers in the game. As a result, you get a team that is impossible to catch or escape.
Let's check out the members:
Sivir [Marksman] - Although Sivir is a utility marksman rather than a pure damage one, she can certainly dish TONS of damage late game if teams let her get off multiple ricochets in a single fight. She also has a lot of self-peel available, and surviving an initial burst allows her to quickly kite back during team fights. Keeping her alive should be a priority for Karma while Kled and Warwick are diving.
Karma [Mid] - Karma is another high survivability, but relatively low damage mid-laner. The plus side of her is that any targets Blitzcrank hooks will find it extremely difficult to escape after she latches her point-and-click chain onto them. Meanwhile, her low cooldown team speed boost ensures that your team can always stay faster than the enemies, even with your Kled and Sivir ults down.
Blitzcrank [Support] - Blitzcrank is the king of catching enemy champions out of position. By putting him in this speed boost composition, it allows this team to capitalize quickly on overextended champions for maximum effect.
Warwick [Jungler] - Warwick's solo ganking power is extremely potent as a result of his massive movement speed bonuses. Placing him in this team composition furthers his strengths, and his engagement potential late game is incredible. If you find your team has difficulty peeling for each other, he could also be replaced with a Hecarim for some extra crowd control.
Kled [Top Laner] - Kled is easily one of the most underrated champions in the game. His team fight ability is extremely good, and his ability to cheese enemy champions via his attack speed spikes synergize perfectly with fervor. He also provides an incredible amount of damage considering how tanky he is, and frankly I'm surprised we don't see him more often.
Karma [Mid] - Karma is another high survivability, but relatively low damage mid-laner. The plus side of her is that any targets Blitzcrank hooks will find it extremely difficult to escape after she latches her point-and-click chain onto them. Meanwhile, her low cooldown team speed boost ensures that your team can always stay faster than the enemies, even with your Kled and Sivir ults down.
Blitzcrank [Support] - Blitzcrank is the king of catching enemy champions out of position. By putting him in this speed boost composition, it allows this team to capitalize quickly on overextended champions for maximum effect.
Warwick [Jungler] - Warwick's solo ganking power is extremely potent as a result of his massive movement speed bonuses. Placing him in this team composition furthers his strengths, and his engagement potential late game is incredible. If you find your team has difficulty peeling for each other, he could also be replaced with a Hecarim for some extra crowd control.
Kled [Top Laner] - Kled is easily one of the most underrated champions in the game. His team fight ability is extremely good, and his ability to cheese enemy champions via his attack speed spikes synergize perfectly with fervor. He also provides an incredible amount of damage considering how tanky he is, and frankly I'm surprised we don't see him more often.
Key Concepts
- Since either Kled or Sivir's ultimates combined with Karma's E boost is usually enough to chase down enemy teams, it's better to stagger your spells to get maximum enhanced movespeed time. If you need to kite defensively, Karma's low cooldown AOE speed boost can do the trick.
- This team is low on damage until they start snowballing. Try not to feed kills, and concentrate on catching enemy champions out of position.
Beating this team is incredibly difficult if they snowball, but not too bad if you have a high burst team that can take them down before they rain their sustained damage on your team. Especially important is deleting Kled before he can climb back onto his ride.
Here is an example team that may succeed:
Here is an example team that may succeed:
- Anivia [Mid] - Sometimes the best way to stop massive speed boost teams is to simply prevent them from getting any closer. Since Azir is quite nerfed right now, pick up this low wall cooldown ice bird instead.
- Jarvan IV [Jungle] - Holding the enemy team in place works best for ones that like running around (as every Singed player can attest to). Pick up Jarvan for maximum killjoy.
- Quinn [Top] - Quinn does well against Kled, and roaming around by herself is relatively safe considering she can hear their ultimate sounds and generally get away as a result of her insane movement speed.
- Nami [Support] - Throwing Nami's ultimate in the direction the enemy team is coming from will stop them from fully engaging. They may still reach you or simply come from multiple directions, but as long as she does not get hooked too much early, she can peel late.
- Miss Fortune [Marksman] - If the entire enemy team is running at you from one direction, Miss Fortune's ultimate can stop them in their tracks when combined with Nami and Jarvan, potentially resulting in disaster for the enemy team.
As a whole, this counter composition also deals considerably high damage and works well in its own right.
What do you think about this team composition? Got ways to improve on it? Better ways to beat it? Comment below!
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