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Weird Picks #75: Season 7 AP Sion Mid

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 Ever since Sion's rework into a crowd control monster with massive initiation potential, AP Sion largely fell off the face of the earth and hasn't been seen in quite some time. However, earlier this month I had an opportunity to play with a Sion one-trick player, Schmanthony, and although I was skeptical, it does seem to work (if impractical).

Let's take a look into how the new AP Sion plays out:
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Ever since Sion's rework into a crowd control monster with massive initiation potential, AP Sion largely fell off the face of the earth and hasn't been seen in quite some time. However, earlier this month I had an opportunity to play with a Sion one-trick player, Schmanthony, and although I was skeptical, it does seem to work (if impractical).

Let's take a look into how the new AP Sion plays out:

How to Play
RunesMagic Penetration Quints, Magic Penetration RedsFlat Armor Yellows, Magic Penetration Blues
Masteries: 12-18-0, Thunderlord Masteries
Abilities: Q, E, W then prioritize R > E > W > Q
Summoner Spells: Flash + Exhaust
Starting Items: Doran Ring + 2 Potions
Core Items: Hextech Protobelt-01, Sorceror's Shoes, Abyssal Scepter, Morellonomicon, Liandry's Torment, Zz'Rot Portal

Why It Works

Powerful Level 1 Invade
Sion's knock-up on his Decimating Smash (Q) is extremely potent when invading. Although you do need to channel for a bit before using it, if it seems like you've been spotted, moving to usual hiding place for enemy champions and channeling your Q can potentially win the game then and there if you guess correctly and your teammates follow up.

Powerful Base Damage
Sion's Roar of the Slayer (E) does an extremely good amount of base damage, which is part of the reason why Sion Support works so well. This spell also scales with 40% of AP, and allows Sion to deal a large amount of AOE damage if he hits multiple enemies. Meanwhile, Sion's Soul Furnace (W) deals a huge amount of percentage damage, which allows him to scale up through mid to late game.

Excellent Crowd-Control + Startling Damage
When you combine Sion's crowd control abilities with the powerful engagement potential of his ultimate, you get an excellent support champion. When you add on 40% bonus ability power combined with the protobelt engage, you get a very difficult to avoid melee burst damage champion that catches many people off-guard.

Health Scaling With Protobelt
Most mages only receive AP scaling with protobelt and the health is used defensively. However, Sion also scales offensively with protobelt's health pool as a result of his spells, giving him a little extra in the way of damage from rushing the item.

Potential Pitfalls

Potential Shield Drop
Playing AP Sion puts reliance on his shield holding in order to deal a large chunk of your overall burst damage. Although the shield does scale with ability power, since this isn't tank Sion, it's not nearly as strong as a result of damage mitigation.

Close Range
Sion's ability to waveclear and poke from safe distances isn't quite as good as most mages. Although he can easily clear 1v1, late game team fights will need allies to clear unless the wave is pushed to turret. Meanwhile, if enemies can kite backwards from his ultimate and protobelt, Sion has a rough time getting close enough to squishies to deal his burst damage.

Weak Passive
Building AP means that both the duration and the damage dealt by his passive is considerably weaker. This means that once you die, free kills are harder to come by (the favorite of every Sion player).


Overall AP Sion is a fun champion if you manage to snowball and pull of a good invade. However, he does seem to be a very niche champion as a result of his relatively low range. In lane he does well 1v1 against mages, but during team fights he may have trouble if his team is lacking a strong tank line to dive with him.

Suggested Rating: Tier 3

What do you think about AP Sion Mid? Comment below!

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