So I was watching my friends play some ranked the other day, where oddly enough, they were matched up against a D4 Lee Sin support (screenshot of games). I know what you're thinking and my thoughts were the same.
Anyway, I can't really tell how good his win rate with Lee support by itself is since he also jungles Lee Sin sporting a cumulative 52% win rate rate. Meanwhile, whenever he plays Lee as a support, it looks like he's always paired with a Yasuo ADC. Again, wtf am I doing wrong right?
Regardless, since it does work I figured I'd pick a low hanging fruit this week for WPW and have a little chat about it.
This guy got to D4 with Windspeaker Lee support? Why am I so BAD?!
Regardless, since it does work I figured I'd pick a low hanging fruit this week for WPW and have a little chat about it.
So I was watching my friends play some ranked the other day, where oddly enough, they were matched up against a D4 Lee Sin support (screenshot of games). I know what you're thinking and my thoughts were the same.This guy got to D4 with Windspeaker Lee support? Why am I so BAD?!
Regardless, since it does work I figured I'd pick a low hanging fruit this week for WPW and have a little chat about it.
How to Play
Runes: Flat Armor Quints, Flat Armor Reds, Flat Armor Yellows, 6 Scaling Cooldown Blues, 3 Flat Magic Resist Blues
Masteries: 0-18-12, Windspeaker Masteries
Abilities: W, Q, W, E then prioritize R > W > E > Q
Summoner Spells: Flash + Exhaust
Starting Items: Relic Shield + Refillable Potion
Core Items: Face of the Mountain, Ruby Sightstone, Ionian Boots, Locket of the Iron Solari, Deadman's Plate, Maw of Malmortius
Masteries: 0-18-12, Windspeaker Masteries
Abilities: W, Q, W, E then prioritize R > W > E > Q
Summoner Spells: Flash + Exhaust
Starting Items: Relic Shield + Refillable Potion
Core Items: Face of the Mountain, Ruby Sightstone, Ionian Boots, Locket of the Iron Solari, Deadman's Plate, Maw of Malmortius
Why It Works
Extreme MobilityAt 45% cooldown, Lee Sin maximizes his mobility, going from an annoying but outplayable champion to an EXTREMELY annoying champion. With high cooldown, Lee can dodge skillshots and shield with his Safeguard (W) and not worry about getting ganked by the enemy jungler with his escape down (for too long).
Manaless ShieldsAlthough the majority of sustain based champions (Janna, Soraka, etc.) almost never run out of mana in lane, it's worth noting that Lee does have free shields that he can make use of. This means that trading just requires timing and thoughts on cooldowns rather than considering the war of attrition.
Potential AOE Knock-Up
The reason why he works well with Yasuo is of course, the potential fiveman knock-up via his ultimate. You'll probably never see it at its maximum potential, but even kicking two people is often enough to turn around a team fight if you have follow-up crowd control.
Potential Pitfalls
High Skillcap
Playing Lee Sin support is somewhat like playing Blitzcrank with five times as much effort. This build provides relatively little in the way of initiation unless you're good at kicking enemy champions back to your team.
Needs to All-In
Since Lee Sin is a melee champion fighting in a ranged support dominated world, he needs to be able to kill the enemy laner in order to be effective in the game. This makes you highly reliant on your marksman (or other duo laner) to work with you. If they don't, you essentially have no kill potential or usefulness in lane.
Playing Lee Sin support is somewhat like playing Blitzcrank with five times as much effort. This build provides relatively little in the way of initiation unless you're good at kicking enemy champions back to your team.
Needs to All-In
Since Lee Sin is a melee champion fighting in a ranged support dominated world, he needs to be able to kill the enemy laner in order to be effective in the game. This makes you highly reliant on your marksman (or other duo laner) to work with you. If they don't, you essentially have no kill potential or usefulness in lane.
Lee Sin support is one of those zany supports that really needs either a Yasuo, Pantheon, or Jarvan in lane to be effective. Otherwise, you're just a meatball jumping around for fun. The good part is, if you go with this full tank build, it can help you practice your insec moves with high cooldown.
If you're really intent on playing Lee Sin as a solo queue support without a duo partner, he would probably work much better as with thunderlord masteries and damage items.
If you're really intent on playing Lee Sin as a solo queue support without a duo partner, he would probably work much better as with thunderlord masteries and damage items.
Suggested Rating: Low Tier 3
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