Ivern is a fresh mountain breeze, breathing life into slick new combos that we have never seen the likes of before. Players quickly picked up on his synergy with Rengar, but this tree still has much more to offer.
His kit allows for two core interactions, which easily lend itself to combos as a result of their complimentary nature to a variety of champion kits.
His kit allows for two core interactions, which easily lend itself to combos as a result of their complimentary nature to a variety of champion kits.
Ivern is a fresh mountain breeze, breathing life into slick new combos that we have never seen the likes of before. Players quickly picked up on his synergy with Rengar, but this tree still has much more to offer.
His kit allows for two core interactions, which easily lend itself to combos as a result of their complimentary nature to a variety of champion kits.
Two New Spell Mechanics
The Reverse Thresh Lantern - By clicking on a target rooted by his Rootcaller (Q), allies can dash to enemy champions. This allows champions with low gap-closing abilities to rouse up quite a stir.
The Bush Interaction Ploy - Creating artificial bushes allows for excellent zoning, and denies sight to enemies, allowing for devastating plays.
Rootcaller (Q) Combos
Typically, I give a little explanation for each champion's interaction. This time around, I want to just toss up a few champions and let you imagine for yourself the potentials!
- Alistar
- Amumu
- Azir/Lee Sin
- Galio
- Kennen
- Lissandra
- Morgana
Brushmaker (W) Combos
- Caitlyn
- Fiddlesticks
- Nunu
- Rengar
- Teemo
- Zac
Closing Thoughts
Players are currently using him as both a jungler and a support. Personally, it looks like he could potentially be a good mix of both, similar to Nautilus.
However, he does seem very reliant on creating combos to be effective, and does not seems to carry by himself based on initiate observation.