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Top 10 Most Fun ARAM Champions

Playing ARAM is always a love-hate relationship. You love playing fun champions, and you hate it when you get stuck with Udyr. Personally I love playing cheesy champions that dominate surprisingly hard. Check out my Top 10 picks below!


Playing ARAM is always a love-hate relationship. You love playing fun champions, and you hate it when you get stuck with Udyr. Personally I love playing cheesy champions that dominate surprisingly hard. Check out my Top 10 picks below!

1. Nidalee

Who doesn't love playing Nidalee? Not the four people instantly trying to trade you that's for sure! With her insanely fun low cooldown spears, personal heal, and insane survivability, it's no wonder that Nidalee is always beloved on the rift. 

2. Ashe

With a base CD on volley of 4 seconds at max level and a CD of 2.4 seconds with 40% CDR, Ashe is absolutely hilarious on ARAM. Constantly spitting out volleys half the map width quickly becomes absurd, providing she has enough mana to sustain it.

3. Maokai

There are few things more satisfying than watching someone try and run from a sure-kill sapling, hoping one of their teammates will be kind enough to block it for them. However, with a 60% AP ratio on his Sapling toss, it's hard to find any soul brave enough to take one for the team.

4. Galio

Most players opt for picking long range AP poke champions. As a champion that naturally builds massive amounts of magic resist, Galio quickly becomes an unstoppable threat. This combined with his two super short cooldown nukes makes him extremely fun as a tanky poke champion.

5. Sona 

At the risk of wrist injury, 40% CDR Sona is possibly one of the most annoying things on the rift. Against any poke composition, Sona is essentially an auto-win. Once she hits late game, she can instantly heal anyone from 10% to full in a few short lived rotations. Her Q also chunks insanely hard with AP, and is definitely extremely satisfying to one-shot someone with her powerchord.

6. Poppy

Breaking the trend of long range poke champions is one of the only melee champions I actually enjoy getting. The first time I picked her up, I thought to myself ugh...maybe I should refund her on my smurf so I don't get her in ARAM. However, after playing her a few times with a relic shield start, I've realized that she's actually insanely fun in ARAM as she can easily dive enemy champions whenever she pleases for all-in damage. Triforce + Blade of the Ruined King + Frozen Mallet for some fun.

7. Caitlyn

A lot of people enjoy playing Caitlyn as a standard AD carry on the map, since her long range and zone control work well in 5v5 situations. She also very rarely runs out of mana on the map, allowing her to pull off lots of fun E -> Q combos. However, I've recently discovered how much fun she is as an AP champion as well...her traps and escape actually deal a very hefty amount of damage. Try it out ;)

8. Kog'Maw

This guy you probably expected to be at the top 3 of the list. With his super long range ultimate, his sniping power is absolutely amazing. This combined with the fact that he has a massive AOE slow makes him very easy and satisfying to play.

9. Lux

Where Kog'Maw was expected to be near the top of the list, this gal you probably expected to be at the top two, if not the top one of the list. With the heightened mana regen on the map, Lux can easily spam her skills on huge clusters of champions, allowing her to pull off tons of high damage combos over and over again.

10. Ziggs

I could say he's kinda boring and that everyone knows he's good, but the fact is he's still pretty fun. Of course if I got him I wouldn't reroll him, but I wouldn't be too upset to swap with someone for let's say...a Caitlyn...

So there you have it, that's my top 10 most fun ARAM champions list, do you have a personal favorite that didn't make it onto the list? Comment below!

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