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Top Team Comps #60: Ladies Night Out

This week's team composition is comprised of a full girls team, which is surprisingly effective for a team centered around characters rather than kits.

Together, these champions combine to create one of THE most obnoxious poke compositions in the game, featuring both Lux and Morgana, the queens of short cooldown catches. This, combined with Ashe and Nidalee make this team insanely powerful when it comes to poke battles, kiting, and counter-engaging.

Team Composition Score Card
AOE Damage: A
Crowd Control: A
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 4
Diving Power: B
Dueling Power: A
Initiation: S
Poke Power: S
Pushing Power: A
Sustain: B
Synergy: S
Waveclear: S

Early Game: A
Mid Game: A
Late Game: A

S = Amazing!, A = Good, B = Average, C = Below Average, F = Bad


This week's team composition is comprised of a full girls team, which is surprisingly effective for a team centered around characters rather than kits.

Together, these champions combine to create one of THE most obnoxious poke compositions in the game, featuring both Lux and Morgana, the queens of short cooldown catches. This, combined with Ashe and Nidalee make this team insanely powerful when it comes to poke battles, kiting, and counter-engaging.


Ashe [Marksman] - Currently one of the top AD carries in solo queue, she's now known for her built-in steroids in addition to her timeless game-changing ultimate. This combined with Morgana snare means that bot lane can drop an insane amount of single target CC in sequence. 

Lux [Mid] - Following the latest buffs to Lux, she's definitely cementing herself as one of the top mid laners. With her absurdly low cooldowns and heavy AOE CC/damage, she can easily kite back the majority of champions in the game to great effect, especially tanky champions with limited engagement options.

Morgana [Support] - As this team composition is mainly comprised of poke type champions, this makes them susceptible to hard engage type compositions. Having Morgana means that champions like Nautilus or Vi aren't able to successfully engage by singling out targets, and also provides a strong AOE CC as a pseudo front-line for preventing enemies from tearing through head-on.

Nidalee [Jungler] - One of the strongest early game junglers in the game, Nidalee synergizes very well in this poke composition as an AP champion. a single snare from Morgana or Lux means that Nidalee can easily lane a max range spear on any target.

Riven [Top Laner] - Riven actually synergizes very well with this team composition. With the high amount of waveclear that this team has, if she chooses to split push and pick a fight with enemy champions in a 1v1 or 1v2 situation, she has that option. Additionally, with her high burst damage, snares from the rest of your team quickly turn into kills.

Key Concepts

  • This team is mostly a matter of chipping away at the enemy team. If necessary, Ashe can straight up use her ultimate for an easy engage, but time is on your side, so don't rush it.
  • Beware of assassins and invulnerable divers, which are the bane of this team.
  • If you can get a deep ward in lane, baiting the enemy team into fighting 5v5 mid lane or even 4v5 is optimal since you have plenty of targets to aim for.


Beating this team involves having a team full of hard initiators that can take out the backline quickly and effectively.

Here's an example team that may succeed:
  • Talon [Mid] - An extremely powerful champion right now, he's simply off-meta and thus not played too much...yet. His ability to get to the back line is also very good, although early game he'll need to play a bit safer against Lux unless he's confident.
  • Sejuani [Jungle] - Where champions like Gragas are good for messing up back-line formations, because they're mostly ranged they can still kite back even if they get knocked out of position. On the other hand, Sejuani freezes them in place, making it much easier to deal with.
  • Sion [Top] - The ultimate unstoppable force, having Sion will make them think twice about grouping too hard mid, especially if you've managed to get tanky early on.
  • Soraka [Support] - As a poke type support, Morgana has trouble against heavy sustain type supports, and as the queen of this group, Soraka allows your team to stay healthy as Sion gets into position for the big one. 
  • Vayne [ADC] - There are few things harder to aim for than an invisible, tumbling Vayne. Renown for her tank killing power, she's also quite good at taking down squishies with skillshots as well. Having Soraka in her lane allows her to easily reach late game without trouble, even against an Ashe Morgana lane.

What do you think about this team composition? Got ways to improve on it? Better ways to beat it? Comment below!

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