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Weird Picks #13: Jungle Urgot

Still considered a trollish pick by most, jungle Urgot has gained something of a following in the league community after several high tier players picked him up in a couple games and made a few favorable comments on him.


Still considered a trollish pick by most, jungle Urgot has gained something of a following in the league community after several high tier players picked him up in a couple games and made a few favorable comments on him.

All in all, he provides a decent front line and does have both peeling and initiating abilities. While he's by no means an "OP" jungler, he can do well in the right hands.

How to Play
Runes: Attack Damage Quints, Attack Damage Reds, Armor Yellows, Magic Resist Blues
Masteries: 21-9-0, standard AD jungler masteries
Abilities: Q, E, W then prioritize  R > Q > E > W
Core items: Ranger's Trailblazer (Warrior), Manamune, Black Cleaver, Last Whisper
Supplementary Items: Frozen Heart, Maw of Malmortius, Trinity Force

Why It Works

Starting at gromp followed by blue buff allows Urgot to spam his Q in between autos for extremely high amounts of stationary DPS. This combined with the kiting/sustain that Urgot's shield provides him allows him to jungle effectively without the use of many pots.

With or without red buff, Urgot's shield provides him with an effective slow that allows him to gank even if he misses his E. If he does hit his E, Urgot's ganks are twice as potent, as not only is his damage greatly increased, he can also easily pick up kills even after enemies flash.

Other Thoughts
In terms of late game initiation Urgot is definitely weaker than a lot of other champions, and will likely play something of a peel role for the back line.

This means that if your team has no other means of initiation, you may be in trouble. However, he does do a very good job at single-target peeling and/or ultimate initiating. Urgot can also poke well provided he lands his E.


Urgot jungle works, albeit not as well as a lot of other junglers. From a pure utility standpoint on paper, he does provide much of what a jungler needs, and also benefits from being able to control blue as a jungler to quickly stack his tear.

However, I still wouldn't want one on my team with his current stat line.

Suggested Rating: Low Tier 3

What do you think about Urgot jungle? Comment below!

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