Some champions are naturally much more difficult than other champions to play. They wield fancy skills, small nuance based "secret techniques" and difficult to master timings for maximum efficiency. If you're the type of person that likes to play games on expert or master mode, then check out the list below!1. Riven
Although all managing all her skills in perfect sequence is the hallmark of a master level Riven player, simple mastery of her Q is enough to bring her to absurd levels of strength. Perfect animation cancelling, wall-hopping, and combing with Q and E/Taunt make Riven's advanced mechanics some of the most progressive in the game. Each day, new mechanics are being discovered. This combined with the fact that her 3rd hit of Q is as versatile as Thresh's flay or Janna's Tornado make her a very high potential champion indeed.
2. Vayne
As an AD carry, Vayne sports one of, if not the highest technical skillcap in the game. With her nearly instantaneous tumble, she can avoid nearly every skillshot in the game. This combined with the geometric magic of her knockback/stun make her a champion that can reach extremely high pinnacles of perfection with pinpoint reactions and extremely high mental calculation skills.
3. Kalista
Where Vayne is more of a timing based champion, Kalista plays more as a continuous game of chess, forever planning her next move and the exact timing/positioning she wants to end up in. Where Vayne is a high stakes goal keeper, Kalista is a consistent pool player, always planning 3 or 4 steps ahead to make sure she's positioned well enough to take advantage of whatever situation she's in. She also requires high synergy with her ultimate partner, and has the possibility of achieving maximum displacement potential if she times an allied Blitzcrank pull perfectly.
4. Zed
Using his strong displacement skills and multiple shadow clones, Zed can dodge all sorts of otherwise undodgeable spells as well as retain a 100% kill rate completely outside of enemy range. However, this requires pinpoint calculation of summoner skills, potions, damage, and enemy allied champions to ensure the perfect fade-away kill.
5. Leblanc
Most people know Leblanc for her powerful all-in technique and escape potential. However, a true Leblanc king knows that her greatest asset actually lies in her poking ability. By playing her perfectly and spacing at the appropriate angles, Leblanc players are able to safely "poke" away half the enemy carry's health instantly, then follow up a few short seconds later for an easy kill.
6. Nidalee
As the queen of map movements, Nidalee is absolutely one of the most versatile champions in the game. While her dual skillsets are fairly easy to synergize at the moment, proper cooldown management, aim, and mechanics allow Nidalee to remain completely safe from almost any and every danger that enemies can throw at her.
7. Jayce
A fellow transforming champion, Jayce actually excels at things that are much different from Nidalee. Where Nidalee is excellent at staying alive and keeping good spacing, Jayce is extremely powerful when executing his combos in quick succession to allow insane burst and strong knockback effects with input cancelling.
8. Rengar
Similar to Jayce, Rengar relies heavily on his ability to annihilate enemies before they have a chance to react. While he can combo very well as a tank alongside an allied Orianna, it's really assassin Rengar that strikes terror early to mid game into the hearts of laners everywhere, especially top laners. With his insanely fast burst, good Rengars offer very little in the way of counterplay and terrorize players from Bronze through Challenger.
9. Thresh
When it comes to high skillcap champions, no list would be complete without Thresh. The amount of utility offered by his Flay alone is enough to nearly make it onto this list, but when combined with his ever so powerful hook, he has to make an appearance on the Top 10. There's a reason why Madlife made his name on a single champion, and here he is.
10. Lulu
When it comes to pure utility champions, few come close to Lulu when it comes to "having it all". Lulu's skillset is so versatile that the number of things she can do, but often fails to do are insane. If Lulu were to play perfectly, she's absolutely one of the strongest champions in the game in nearly every position. Luckily enough though, she's still very difficult to utilize correctly, especially in solo queue where much of her talent relies on teammate synergy.
Honorable Mention: Lee Sin
As a renown champion for the myriad of movement choices he has at his disposal, Lee Sin is a favorite of many highly skilled players for his play-making ability when played at the absolute highest level.
Honorable Mention: Lee Sin
As a renown champion for the myriad of movement choices he has at his disposal, Lee Sin is a favorite of many highly skilled players for his play-making ability when played at the absolute highest level.