Are you stuck at an elo so low you can barely count on your teammates to connect to the game, much less be useful?
Are you a kill freak trying to rack up as many pentakills as possible?
Do you have to prove that you are the ultimate boss and can 1v5 the enemy team just to send a message?
Are you a kill freak trying to rack up as many pentakills as possible?
Do you have to prove that you are the ultimate boss and can 1v5 the enemy team just to send a message?
Are you stuck at an elo so low you can barely count on your teammates to connect to the game, much less be useful?
Are you a kill freak trying to rack up as many pentakills as possible?
Do you have to prove that you are the ultimate boss and can 1v5 the enemy team just to send a message?
Then check out the list below to find your new best friend!
Top 10 Solo Pentakill Champions
Solo Pentakill: verb [\ˈsō-(ˌ)lō\ \ˈpen-tər-ˈki-rü]: Killing all 5 enemy teammates by yourself in a short enough time for the announcer to say "PENTAKILL" (max 10 seconds between each kill).
1. Riven
With the sweestest pentapotential in the game, Riven's got a great set of both burst and sustained damage. Using her naturally powerful cooldowns and lifesteal, Riven can easily take out a quick two enemies to start and then slowly (or quickily) outplay the rest if she gets far enough ahead.
2. Annie
Wielding her insanely short cooldown and uber high damage, her tibbers + W combo can easily take down an entire enemy team as they facecheck a bush. Meanwhile, with a maximum 4 second cooldown on her Q and the ability to half the cooldown on killing a target, you'd be surprised how many you see in a single teamfight.
3. Cassiopeia
Speaking of face-checking, there are few things more satisfying than landing a five man Cassiopeia ultimate from the relative safety of a bush. A fully itemized Cassiopeia can instantly dispatch squishies with her ultimate and make quick work of tanks as well with her common Rylai + Liandries combo.
4. Vladimir
When it comes to late game hypercarries, few come close to Vladimir. A resourceless champion with damage amplification and built-in lifesteal gets very out of hand very quickly when there suddenly aren't enough teammates surrounding you to burst through his sustain. Speaking of sustain, it seems to be coming at the cost of your health. Oops, you're dead.
5. Nasus
Although he'll get kited more often than not out of sheer fear of the God Dog, Nasus can definitely 1v5 in a very satisfying way with his giant staff of punishment. It's definitely every Nasus player's childhood dream to someday have a team of all melee dumb enough to fight a 1500 stack Nasus head on, but I'm sure it happens from time to time.
6. Fiddlesticks
In terms of raw unfiltered damage, few come close to the amount that a Fiddle ultimate can provide. Although it's rare that people stand inside the full duration of the ultimate, a Fiddle that's fed enough can definitely use his completely disfunctional teammates as bait for that 1v5 pentakill. Remember, if you don't think they did anything, you can still call it a solo pentakill. That's the rule.
7. Akali
As the princess of resets, Akali's damage has been nerfed from where it used to be. However, she can definitely still dish the 1v5 pain, especially if the enemy team forgot to bring pink wards. With her built in lifesteal and insane chase potential, she's definitely still a huge pain when fed.
8. Katarina
Where Akali is the princess of resets, I'd like you to meet the queen. Not that introductions are needed. When the time of game comes where you don't even need your ultimate to pick up the first kill, you know you're ready for that 1v5 pentakill.
Yeah. Just CC her. RIGHT?
9. Talon
Where Katarina needs her resets to dish the full amount of pain, Talon's got it covered from the get-go. Using his patented armor penetration stacking build, he's easily a threat from the start to the solo pentakill he's about to get against your team.
10. Master Yi
If AP Yi were still around, he'd easily take the cake for the best solo pentakill artist in the game. Unfortunately, those days are long past. However, he still gets decent resets and can definitely hold his own in the pentalove.
11. Vayne (Honorable Mention)
Technically, it's actually pretty hard for Vayne to get a solo pentakill, even at 50 minutes in. There has to be a ton of outplaying involved and some fairly outclassed enemies on the other side. However, since 1v5 Vayne pentakills are the most fun thing to watch since the advent of watching things, I'll have to add her in as an honorable mention.