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Top Team Comps #50: Announced Ambush Comp

This week's team composition is a somewhat obscure theme comp featuring some uncommon champions, including Sion support. The theme of this team composition focuses primarily on champions that announce their arrival, which makes them a long range initiation type of team that specializes in catching enemies unaware.

Team Composition Score Card
AOE Damage: A
Crowd Control: B
Difficulty (1-5, 5 is hardest): 4
Diving Power: A
Dueling Power: A
Initiation: A
Poke Power: A
Pushing Power: A
Sustain: C
Synergy: A
Waveclear: S

Early Game: B
Mid Game: S
Late Game: A

S = Amazing!, A = Good, B = Average, C = Below Average, F = Bad


This week's team composition is a somewhat obscure theme comp featuring some uncommon champions, including Sion support. The theme of this team composition focuses primarily on champions that announce their arrival, which makes them a long range initiation type of team that specializes in catching enemies unaware.

It also has the added benefit of watching enemy players run around in circles frantically trying to figure out where the enemy is coming from during Nocturne ultimate. This combined with Twitch's invisibility makes it very easy for Twitch to position for maximum spray and pray damage.

Compared to a standard global comp, this team has much more AOE damage through use of Twitch, and also has the benefit of strong early game teamfighting via Rek'Sai for jungle invades..


Twitch [Marksman] - With his insanely strong burst damage and AOE ultimate, Twitch's main weakness is his vulnerability to pink wards and his lack of mobility. However, combined with Nocturne ultimate and the CC that Sion provides, his survivability on this team is very high.

Twisted Fate [AP Mid] - Bringing some much needed poke to this team composition, Twisted Fate is an excellent early to mid game champion that can really synergize well with Nocturne to move around in the shadows. He also provides some extra CC in between Sion's already massive skillset.

Sion [Support] - Here it is, the much acclaimed Sion support! With his strong moveset and initiation power. Sion is an excellent choice as he scales hard with levels and HP. By simply building tanky, his ability to lock down enemy champions goes through the roof with his strong base damage.

Nocturne [Jungler] - A somewhat weaker jungler in the current meta, he actually does surprisingly well with Cinderhulk if you choose to go that route. His main draw in this lineup is his strong synergy with Twitch and Twisted Fate. Building a brutalizer is a decent idea on him to reduce some of that super long ultimate timer.

Rek'Sai [Top Laner] - In the double smite meta, Rek'Sai is definitely a strong contender with her free escape mechanisms. However, she also does well with good old regular flash as well. Every time she ults, she also emits that super distracting screech, which goes excellently with the combined obnoxiously global shouts of her teammates.

Key Concepts

  • This team can engage with a large variety of methods. However, most of the time you'll likely rely on Sion's ultimate from afar, or simply use Sion as bait and zoom in from the fog.
  • While Nocturne's ultimate is on a long cooldown early game, later on during teamfights it's very effective if your team can synergize ultimates and move in with advantageous numbers.
  • Most of the time during a 5v5, Sion's ultimate will be enough to initate with, and Nocturne and Twisted Fate can save their ultimates to pick off low HP stragglers. However, split pushing does work better against most synergized team compositions.


To counter this team, heavy damage teamfighters work well. Although this team has insane split pushing power, their straight burst damage is fairly low and relies on hard rotations for maximum effectiveness late game.

Here's an example team that may succeed:
  • Ahri [Mid] - Strong mobility and AOE assassination burst damage allows her to duel TF and jump out of range of most of the enemy damage/CC.
  • Zac [Jungle] - With his large scale knockbacks counter-initation, Zac works well against sychronized assaults.
  • Malphite [Top] - With his strong burst damage and gap closer, he can easily take out Twitch from the backline to make sure the main source of damage is locked down.
  • Janna [Support] - Against an engagement team like this, Janna's defensive ultimate works very well against their frontline bruisers.
  • Sivir [ADC] - Her spellshield can knockout Nocturne's ultimate damage and her ultimate allows her team to kite very hard against the relatively slow CC power of this team.
What do you think about this team composition? Got ways to improve on it? Comment below!

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