Formerly a common occurrence for a short duration, Vayne top has since fallen into deep obscurity. Although she still crops up once in a while, most Season 5 players remain oblivious to the true power of...Vayne Top...
Formerly a common occurrence for a short duration, Vayne top has since fallen into deep obscurity. Although she still crops up once in a while, most Season 5 players don't see how she ever gained popularity in the position, much less remaining viable to this day.Personally, I think her top lane prowess is exceptionally average if not below average, but in the hands of a good player can definitely snowball extremely hard. It's also extremely fun ^_^
Most of the time, you just build her exactly as you would a normal Vayne in the AD carry position, rushing attack speed for maximum dueling potential.
If you're snowballing especially hard, you may however want to pick up some health in the form of a Randuin to give your team a little more bulk in teamfights and/or to prevent Tryndamere from diving you repeatedly.
- Ranged vs Melee does well early game
- Knockback is strong against most melee champions
- Long lane means long chasing room
- Strong poke levels 1~2
- Scales hard into late game
- Weak against burst mages
- Low escape potential when she's on the offensive
- Takes away a tank from your team
- Weak pushing power before shiv
- Generally doesn't run teleport for maximum effectiveness
When to Pick Vayne Top
Vayne top should never be picked before you're fairly certain who the enemy team is playing top lane.
Vayne does well against:
- Mundo
- Singed
Vayne can potentially do well against:
- Riven
- Jax
- Darius
- Lee Sin
- Nasus
- Shen
- Cho'Gath
As you can imagine, most of these match-ups are extremely fun skill-based lanes that can either go well or horribly wrong. Just remember that without an escape, even if you're doing well, most champions can quickly snowball a lane back into their favor via a gank or two.
Like to live on the edge? Play Vayne top lane!