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Solo Queue FOTM Tier List - Dec - Patch 5.2



Preface Chatter

Hi everyone, and welcome to the Ahri patch. It would be called the Azir patch, but he's banned in every game so he's a non-factor regardless of how much people want to play him. Anyway, check out the complete listing below!
If you're looking for the regular solo queue tier list, be sure to check it out via this link!
For a list of champions with the highest *potential* in the game without regard to difficulty or team synergies, check out the list of strongest potential champions in each position!
Patch 5.2 Summary
Buffs: Annie, Nidalee, Syndra,
Nerfs: Akali, Cassiopeia, Fizz, Rek'Sai, Zed
Tweaks: Ahri, Tristana
  • Jungle Nidalee Added
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The Tier List

God Tier [Pee Your Pants - BAN]:
Mid-Lane Gods: Azir, Zed, Ahri, Leblanc
Jungle Gods: Rek'SaiJarvan IV, Vi, Lee Sin, Nidalee, Fiddlesticks
AD GodsGraves, Kalista
Top Lane Gods: Irelia, Lissandra, Rek'Sai, Gnar
Support Gods: Janna, Thresh

Tier 1 [Expected Powerhouses]:
Mid-Lane: Katarina, Kassadin, Cassiopeia, Yasuo, Talon, Orianna, Xerath, Nidalee (AP), Lux,
Jungle: Pantheon, Shaco, Rengar, Xin Zhao, Sejuani, Udyr, Kha'Zix, Maokai, Hecarim, Amumu, Master Yi
AD Carry: Sivir, Lucian, Jinx, Tristana, Vayne, Caitlyn, Corki
Top LaneRiven, Kassadin, Jax, Darius, Rengar, Rumble, Pantheon, Nasus, Lee Sin, Jarvan IV, Fiora, Akali, Jayce
Support: Morgana, Blitzcrank, Braum, Leona, Annie, Sona,

Tier 2 [Crowd Favorites]:
Mid-Lane: Annie, Akali, Lissandra, Ziggs, Jayce, Twisted Fate
Jungle: Warwick, Sion, Elise, Skarner, Nocturne, Volibear, Nautilus, Evelynn
AD Carry: Ezreal, Twitch, Draven, Ashe, Kog'Maw
Top Lane: Azir, Yasuo, Tryndamere, Maokai, Sion, Wukong, Nidalee, Renekton, Trundle, Cho'gath, Udyr, Vladimir, Lulu, Shyvana, Olaf, Xin Zhao, Warwick, Swain, Dr. Mundo, Zed
Support: Nami, Lulu, Soraka, Karma, Alistar

Tier 3 [Playable]:
Mid-Lane: Fizz, Syndra, Diana, Lulu (AP), Pantheon, Kayle, Morgana, Zilean, Mordekaiser, Swain, Viktor, Brand, Vel'Koz, Malzahar, Anivia, Ryze, Galio, Vladimir, Zyra, Karma, Veigar, Heimerdinger, Karthus, Gragas, Kha'Zix, Tristana, Cho'Gath, Kennen
Jungle: Wukong, Rammus, Olaf, Trundle, Kayle, Jax, Dr. Mundo, Nasus, Shyvana, Gragas, Diana, Malphite, Tryndamere, Aatrox, Zac, Nunu, Cho'Gath, Shen, Darius
AD Carry: Miss Fortune, Varus,  Quinn
Top Lane: Kayle, Malphite, Ryze, Alistar, Singed, Gragas, Kennen, Teemo, Shen, Yorick, Garen, Quinn, Aatrox, Elise, Volibear, Kha'Zix, Karma, Poppy, Vi, Master Yi, Viktor, Gangplank, Zac, Mordekaiser, Talon
Support: Zyra, Taric, Fiddlesticks, Vel'Koz, Zilean, Nunu, Gragas

Tier 4 [Not Amused]:
Mid-Lane: Elise, Wukong, Malphite, Teemo, Gangplank, Riven, Fiora, Fiddlesticks, Kog'maw, Ezreal (AP), Sona, Soraka, Janna
Jungle: Leona, Zed, Yasuo, Fiora, Riven, Poppy, Gangplank, Malzahar, Blitzcrank, Alistar
AD CarryTwisted Fate, Kennen, Urgot
Top Lane: Heimerdinger, Vayne, Galio, Nunu, Soraka, Urgot
Support: Teemo, Volibear, Lux, Kayle, Nautilus, Maokai, Anivia, Veigar, Gangplank, Malphite, Nidalee, Orianna, Poppy, Elise, Galio, Shen, Yorick, Lissandra, Ashe, Leblanc, Caitlyn

Instructions and Caveats:
  • This tier list details which champions are most popular in today's current metagame, for better or for worse. Selecting a high popularity champion and doing mediocre is always favorable to selecting a low tier champion and doing mediocre for team morale.

Champion Explanations

  • Akali [Tier 2 Mid] - Akali nerfs have dropped her down quite a ways. Although the general consensus is that she's still playable, she's not banned nearly as much anymore.
  • Azir [God Tier Mid] - With his oppressing in-lane poke and potential for insanely high AOE damage if enemies stay in range of his soldiers, Azir has become a strong ban at all divisions as he's annoying to play against and is extremely popular at the moment.
  • Cassiopeia [Tier 1 Mid] - A somewhat late addition to the FOTM party, Cassiopeia was actually nerfed, but as people saw professionals playing her again in tournaments on last patch, more have picked her up and her play rate is surprisingly fairly high considering her nerfs this patch.
  • Fizz [Tier 3 Mid] - Fizz's "tweaks" aka nerfs have brought him to a fairly low point. Although he's still playable, he's not banned nearly as much anymore.
  • Nidalee [God Tier Jungle] - With the  changes to Nidalee's damage to neutral monsters this patch, she's become a hotly contested pick for solo queue jungler. Her damage is quite high if she lands her spear, and her insane gap closer makes her a popular pick with a very satisfying execute.
  • Rek'Sai [God Tier Jungle] - Despite nerfs, Rek'Sai remains highly sought after in solo queue, mostly due to her mobility and insane dueling potential.
  • Sivir [Tier 1 ADC] - After high usage on the professional scene, Sivir's popularity in solo queue has greatly rise as well.
  • Tristana [Tier 1 ADC] - Although still largely (smalley?) the same yordle we've all grown  up with, Tristana's visual update has given her new breath, and people are picking her up more and more over the other older ADCs with no changes.
  • The purpose of this list is for discussion and to provide a starting point for hero selection.
Agree? Disagree? Comment below!

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