Yesterday, YouTube user Mesmerizing TEMPO posted up a tutorial on how to kill dragon at level 1 using Olaf. While it requires some somewhat specialized runes and waiting/using three HP potions, it does net you an early dragon. Personally I wouldn't recommend it, but let's check out the goods below:
How to Do it
In the video, Tempo explains that by putting your first point into W and using the runes and masteries below, if you wait for a 3rd HP potion you simply auto attack dragon to death as Olaf.
Runes: 9 armor flat reds, 9 armor flat yellows, 6 armor flat armor blues, 3 flat cdr blues, 3 lifesteal quints
This rune page is pretty awkward to have around, I have a hard time imagining what else it could be used for other than completing the task at hand. This might not be the optimal or *only* page that can get the job done, but considering his margin of error in the video it seems required.
As far as masteries go this one's not too bad, and I think it scales okay into late game.
Full Video:
- Early dragon with a scaling AP and AD through the game.
- Can camp/push top without worrying about jungler sneaking a dragon.
- Jungler can counterjungle HARD once he sees the dragon buff on your teammates
- No level 2 after killing dragon
- Late 2nd blue for mid lane
- Dangerous if warded
Overall, I'd say not to chance it, or really to play Olaf jungle too often in solo queue as his gap closing abilities aren't very good in teamfights. He is very good as a split pusher though.
I think the key takeaway here is to make sure you're aware that it's possible and to know as a jungler/support that there may be a free kill and possibly a dragon waiting for you.