Check out the video below by Araneae, which shows how to pick up an early level 2 as Sion by using his passive to quickly clear the first jungle camp:
This is one of those strategies that is useful until everyone else catches onto it. If you do see a Sion top lane, I would suggest quickly running to your turrets to capitalize if he does decide to use this strategy.
Although it will likely only work at lower Elos, since first blood gold is reduced it might be a good idea to try it anyway. If anything, you might force a summoner or two out of your lane opponent that will save you from losing more later on.
Personally, I would recommend against stealing your own jungler's buffs. However, if you do manage to pick up the enemy jungler's red buff, that's a huge advantage to yourself and to your team and worth the gamble.
What do you guys think? Comment below!