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Quotes: Talon Then and Now



So I've been doing tier lists for a long time now, and so I've received my fair share of complaints and insults from players all over the world on champion placement.

While we've all had our heated arguments with champion placements, at the end of the day, all we really want to do in ranked is WIN. (Except for the trolls...you know who you are!)

Earlier today, I was just thinking...maybe some day when Swain and Vel'koz are permabanned I'll make another of these posts. Or maybe their win rate will plummet suddenly and I'll be forced to admit I was wrong and biased.

Maybe neither of those days will ever come about. But today, let's talk Talon.

Today both you, I, and a large majority of the summoner base, AGREE on a champion (Hallelujah!) We've agreed that Talon is indeed OP in the current meta. So before Riot nerfs this champion and we go back to arguing whether Thresh is balanced or not, let's take a trip down memory lane to reflect on some of my favorite quotes about the Noxian!
*Talon made it to God Tier on Nerfplz.LoL's tier list Dec 10, 2013 11:07 PM

How We've Changed...

"Talon's Kit is BAD"

"I still think Talon is underpowered, especially against assassins like Katarina. Riot needs to let him E on allies; it would give him more versatility and maybe get on the level of other casters. His silence is also too short to be effective."[Dec 2013]

"Talon Kit is AHH-MAZING"

"Compared to Talon Fizz has no ranged way of waveclear (his e being his only form of reliable aoe waveclear) so this leads him to being poked a lot easier. Meanwhile, Talon has his ranged w and silence, which lets him waveclear safely and assassinate easily as well."[Sept 2014]

"Talon's Can't Kill ANYONE"

"Frankly he blows. He is a good early game champion and can assassinate like he used to until around level 12 where you use your full combo + ignite and find its just not doing the job anymore. The worst part is after your combo even if they are 20% hp left they can combo you right back and still kill you."[Nov 2013]

"Talon Kills EVERYONE"

"Talon is played as a clean up champion and his clean up potential is just too damn high! His invisibility and silence offer no counterplay and he needs to be nerfed ASAP." [Sept 2014]

"Talon is easily countered."

"There are definitely some major counter picks for Talon: Xerath and Lux, just to name a couple. I could easily name at least five or six more..." [Jan 2014]

"Talon counters EVERYBODY"

"Talon is god, he counters almost all of the meta champions, and he is the only assassin remaining with a silence. " [Aug 2014]

"Talon is garbage and so is his late game."

"Talon god tier? Don't make me laugh. Orianna, Gragas, and Ahri would be much better suited than that garbage champion. Talon's late game is garbage." [Jan 2014]

"Talon single-handedly wins games"

"Talon is easy to snowball uncontrollably and I win a great amount of matchups as him." [Aug 2014]

"Talon has a weak laning phase"

"I think Talon maybe should even be tier 3 or even low tier 2 would be stretching it. His only trading potential against ranged champions comes from a 20 sec cd gap closer and he has no amazing power spikes. He's also completely useless late game. As a 100% snowball reliant champion, he also has a harder time successfully doing that than others due to his weak laning phase. Definitely one of the bad champs atm and I love when hes on the enemy team." [May 2014]

"Talon doesn't believe in laning phases"

"Talon is too strong, boots of mobility - roam - roam - roam, comes back mid W clear the entire wave with 1 ability and then back to roam roam roam." [Aug 2014]

"Talon needs enemies almost dead to win"

"He's an assassin with few escapes, bar fancy enemy jumping with e and stealthing which still shows where you are thanks to the blades following you. This means he needs to have everyone low in teamfights so that they don't then turn and kill you." [July 2014]

"Talon don't care, he's got TRUE DAMAGE"

"Talon snowball potential is insanely strong if the team picks around him but even if they don't he brings INSANE amounts of aoe damage in the form of nearly true damage with all the armor pen he gets." [Aug 2014]

Much has changed in the past 9 months...

Wrap Up

As you can see, a lot of what's been said between then and now is exactly the same, yet player mentality towards the champion has changed. Personally, I think he's been strong all along, perhaps more so in certain metas than others.

Either way, the arguments are half the fun in making these tier lists, which is why I continue putting them together. While nobody ever agrees on 100+ champion placements simultaneously, that's what makes this game fresh and exciting.

As long as we're respect each other's opinions, this community is awesome.

Comment below!
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