
Preface Chatter
Hey everyone, I was actually planning on doing this later tonight, but lucky for you guys the NA servers just crashed again, so this one's coming out a little earlier.
In this patch a couple old favorites have been rising with nerfs on other formerly stronger champion picks. Check out the listing below:
Patch 4.15 Summary
Updates:Nerfs: AlistarBuffs: Fiddlesticks, Gnar, Sivir, Urgot
- 8/30:
- Jungle: Kha'zix jungle moved to Tier 1, Nocturne moved down, Master Yi moved up
- Mid: Akali moved up, Syndra moved up
- ADC: Kog moved down, Graves moved up
- Top: Darius moved down, Teemo moved up, Akali moved up
Use CTRL + F to Search For Champions
God Tier [Exceptionally Strong Choices]:
Mid-Lane Gods:Swain, Talon, Vel'Koz
Jungle Gods:Rammus, Amumu, Jarvan IV, Maokai, Warwick, Wukong, Fiddlesticks, Vi
AD Gods: Tristana, Jinx, Lucian
Top Lane Gods:Warwick, Swain, Fiora, Wukong
Support Gods:Morgana, Leona, Blitzcrank
Tier 1 [Strong/Preferred Choices]:
Mid-Lane:Katarina, Ahri, Fizz, Akali, Malzahar, Ziggs, Galio, Brand, Zyra, Lux, Xerath, Syndra, Anivia, Morgana, Orianna, Heimerdinger, Zilean, Wukong
Jungle: Kha'Zix, Sejuani, Volibear, Pantheon, Nunu, Udyr
AD Carry: Draven, Miss Fortune, Caitlyn, Corki
Top Lane: Rumble, Nidalee, Maokai, Heimerdinger, Lulu, Yorick, Irelia, Akali, Nasus, Ryze, Malphite, Jarvan IV, Tryndamere, Singed, Yasuo, Teemo, Lissandra, Pantheon, Kennen
Support: Sona, Janna, Nami, Braum, Zyra
Tier 2 [Viable/Balanced Choices]:
Mid-Lane: Twisted Fate, Cassiopeia, Diana, Lissandra, Pantheon, Lulu (AP), Yasuo, Annie, Viktor, Kayle, Karma, Zed, Fiora, Karthus, Kennen, Mordekaiser, Vladimir, Teemo, Sion, Ryze, Jayce
Jungle:Nautilus, Skarner, Master Yi, Xin Zhao, Aatrox, Rengar, Evelynn, Kayle, Jax, Shaco, Lee Sin, Cho'Gath, Nocturne, Tryndamere, Olaf, Zac, Dr. Mundo, Nasus, Leona, Trundle, Malphite, Diana, Zed
AD Carry: Kog'Maw, Vayne, Graves, Sivir, Ashe, Varus, Ezreal,
Top Lane: Riven, Volibear, Alistar, Rengar, Jax, Renekton, Dr. Mundo, Trundle, Darius, Aatrox, Gnar, Udyr, Karma, Lee Sin, Shyvana, Kayle, Cho'gath, Vladimir, Olaf, Gangplank, Xin Zhao, Viktor, Poppy, Quinn, Vi, Jayce, Zed
Support: Thresh, Alistar, Lulu, Vel'Koz, Xerath, Zilean, Annie, Karma, Fiddlesticks
Tier 3 [Needs Higher Skill/Knowledge Than Usual]:
Mid-Lane:Kassadin, Gragas, Veigar, Leblanc, Nidalee (AP), Kha'Zix, Riven, Tristana, Cho'Gath, Fiddlesticks, Elise, Ezreal (AP)
Jungle:Hecarim, Elise, Shyvana, Shen, Malzahar, Yasuo, Fiora, Riven, Poppy, Darius
AD Carry: Quinn, Twitch, Twisted Fate, Kennen
Top Lane: Shen, Garen, Gragas, Kha'Zix, Master Yi, Zac, Talon, Elise, Mordekaiser, Sion, Vayne, Nunu, Galio
Support: Taric, Volibear, Nautilus, Lux, Gragas, Maokai, Nunu, Kayle, Soraka, Teemo, Malphite, Anivia, Syndra, Veigar, Gangplank
Tier 4 [Low Benefit to Effort Ratios]:
Mid-Lane: Kog'maw, Urgot, Soraka, Janna
Jungle:Gangplank, Garen, Blitzcrank
AD Carry: Urgot
Top Lane: Soraka, Urgot
Support: Nidalee, Orianna, Poppy, Elise, Galio, Shen, Yorick, Lissandra, Ashe, Leblanc
Instructions and Caveats:
- Champions in BOLD I will talk about shortly
- Champions UNDERLINEDmay be over/undervalued, but aren't/haven't played enough for me to make a better judgement.
- Within each tier the champions are strongest from left to right, but within a tier each champion's strength is relatively close. This is especially true for Tiers 2 and 3 where these champions are ALL highly playable and player dependent on how strong they are in-game.
- This tier list takes data from ALL players; however, since the majority of players fall in the first three tiers, the majority of data points will come from there.
- Win Rates are important in analyzing each champion's strength, but are not the end-all criteria for any champion's position.
- The creator of this list is diamond, so there may be some personal bias towards higher tier play on certain champions.
Champion Explanations
- Alistar [Tier 2 Top] - Initial thoughts on his nerf actually didn't hit him as hard as I thought it would. He's still not a bad top, but can definitely be countered.
- Blitzcrank [Support God] - High shift from poke/heal champions to all-in assassins with low sustain means that mid lane 5v5s generally end up being a face-off. Blitzcrank is the king of picks, and with less poke than ever in his face, even if he misses his hook 5 times in a row, he'll still have the time, mana, and health to try for a 6th.
- Jarvan IV [God Tier Jungle] - Jarvan's in a very strong place right now; similar to Blitzcrank less poke in his face means that he has more time to pick and choose who he wants to take down. He also synergizes very well with a lot of popular champions with his all-in abilities and armor shred.
- Maokai [Tier 1 Top] - Nerfs hurt him a bit, but the damage reduction that he provides to his entire team is still insane.
- Morgana [Support God] - Similar to Blitzcrank, even though she's been nerfed, her pick potential combined with her defensive abilities still make her a very strong pick.
- Nidalee [Tier 1 Top] - High skillcap, high skill potential champion. Check out this article for a full write-up!
- Renekton [Tier 2 Top] - Renekton's not nearly the same bully as he was before, and can easily be countered/pushed out of lane. He's still strong, but tends to get smacked down by the same kids he used to shove around the playground.
- Rumble [Tier 1 Top] - Rumble's ability to turn around all-ins and/or engage with his ultimate is insane, and his early game without items gives him a huge presence later on in the game. Nerfs on a lot of the other manaless sustaining top laners have brought new life into the yordle.
- Soraka [Tier 4 Top] - Dropped to Tier 4, but promoted to a constant reminder of how poor Urgot still is.
- Talon [Mid God] - As assassins go, Talon is ideal simply because he also synergizes so well with Black Cleaver and can provide instaneous AOE utility along with straight up killing one or two squishies on the way in. His abilities also provide very little in the way of counterplay as he has an instant blink followed by invisibility.
- Urgot [Tier 4 Citizen] - Nice try Riot, but Urgot still isn't viable.
- Yorick [Tier 1 Top] - Yorick is the "new" top lane king bully. With the manaless sustainers top nerfed hard, not many top laners can keep up with Yorick's insane harass. This combined with the fact that most AD carries are now simple auto-attacker types makes sure Yorick's ultimate is used to its fullest.
- Zilean [Tier 1 Mid/Tier 2 Support] - Just giving a little more credit where credit is due. While it's true that he's far stronger in organized team play, he definitely also has his place in solo queue as well.
For a full analysis on champion changes this patch, check out this link!
- The purpose of this list is for discussion and to provide a starting point for hero selection.
Agree? Disagree? Comment below!