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AP Twitch Support? XD Ok Rito Let's Do It | Weird Pick #141 | Runes Items Build Guide


Guide to Playing AP Twitch Support

In the wild world of preseason zany builds surface, one of which is strangely popular and somewhat forced on us...AP Twitch. It plays like an upgraded Teemo in the early game and transitions to a heavy source of AP and true damage late game. 

Wanna find out how to gank oriented fun build? Check out the details on runes and builds below!

Guide to Playing AP Twitch Support

In the wild world of preseason zany builds surface, one of which is strangely popular and somewhat forced on us...AP Twitch. It plays like an upgraded Teemo in the early game and transitions to a heavy source of AP and true damage late game. 

Wanna find out how to gank oriented fun build? Check out the details on runes and builds below!

How to Play AP Twitch Support
Abilities: E, Q, W then prioritize R > E > Q > W

Summoner Spells   

Starting Items: Spellthief's Edge, Health Potion

Strategy: Playstyle should be roam heavy and play similar to a jungle Twitch but with more focus on bot lane. His actual fighting is largely the same as any other Twitch and relies on on-hit damage.

Core Items: Frostfang, Berserker Greaves, Nashor's Tooth, Riftmaker, Rabadon's Deathcap, Demonic Embrace

AP Twitch Support Runes Setup

Primary: Hail of Blades, Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection, Ravenous Hunter
Secondary: Coup De Grace, Legend:Alacrity

How It Works

Massive AP Buffs in 10.23
 P - Deadly Venom
DAMAGE RATIO 3% AP damage per second, per stack (max 108% AP for 6 stacks over 6 seconds)

 W - Venom Cask


 E - Contaminate

AP SCALING DAMAGE 33.3% AP physical damage per Deadly Poison stack (max 200% AP for 6 stacks)  33.3% AP magic damage per Deadly Poison stack (max 200% AP for 6 stacks)
All in all, these three buffs cumulatively result in a massive amount of damage, increased utility, and much higher burst damage than before.

Powerhouse Bot Lane Champions
Right now, the three champions Jhin, Samira, and Ashe are incredibly strong bot lane and are capable of soloing bot lane safely for periods of time. While Twitch shouldn't roam too often early on, he can play similar to Bard and gank his own lane a few times and truly roam other times.

Roam Power Not Jungle Reliant
Overall, Twitch as support allows him to focus on ganking rather than farming, giving him the ability to snowball lanes. Since jungle was buffed, Twitch has found a new home as a pure ganker. River Twitch?

Potential Pitfalls

Low Traditional Support Abilities
Other than his slow, Twitch has no crowd-control. He also has no team buffs and truly relies only on his damage in order to "support" his team. Instead, his support comes in the form of ganks traditionally the job of the jungler.

Roaming Art
Roaming is more of an art than a science. However, Twitch will need to continuously do it to be effective. Not only does Twitch need to pick good times to roam, but his bot lane partner also needs to know how to play depending on Twitch's position on the map. If his marksman is playing someone with low lane power then he may end up leaving his partner unable to perform the rest of the game.

Countering AP Twitch Support

Hard CC and good warding will counter AP Twitch support very hard and prevent him from snowballing effectively.


AP Twitch Support is fun, but really plays as some sort of combination of Bard/Teemo. His playstyle is really that of Jungle Twitch, but the latest Patch 10.23 buffs have made the AP on-hit build his highest damage build.

In competitive play it's not that strong, but definitely very strong to be playing for the off season. 

Suggested Tier: Low Tier 2

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