...like you didn't see that one coming...check out the official posts below on the upcoming Yi nerfs! (He calls them "fixes" but we all know better...) Check out the official posts by Morello below!

We're looking at some Yi fixes currently and want to get them in for 3.11 - I'd like to have some direction locked by Monday.Q: How are you planning to fix (nerf) Yi?
Unfortunately, we did not meet one goal we'd hoped to - better in high-ranked games, and not as stompy in low-ranked ones. This is still occurring, which means Yi is in beast mode for a vast majority of players.
A: We don't need to nerf Yi flat-out, but it's likely he needs more serious tuning to make it so he doesn't tear through people who can't deal with him, then allowing us to buff things that might be needed for stronger competitive play.
Though I know it's cool to call out how "all these noobs" ruin the game.
Q: How is Yi in high Elo vs low Elo in your eyes?
A: We're not saying he's OP, we're saying he's not terribly usable in high elo and really wrecks at low elo. Resets do -that- to an extent
Q: Are you keeping the resets?
A: It is fun, which is why we kept it. We know it's one of the big factors for why Yi is fun, but it may also mean he'll always be weak. That's something we need to really consider (and do a bit more work on if it's the resets, or if another thing can be touched). Hence why I hope for the team to have a direction by Monday :P
TLDR; Master Yi is OP in low Elo and meh in high Elo. We think the problem is with the resets, and we're going to fix that somehow with a target date of Monday, but it may not come into play until patch 3.11.