The latest patch notes for Team Fight Tactics focus mainly on the Noble and Gangplank metagames, which are currently dominating higher divisions. Meanwhile, they're going light on the buffs this time around, which does seem to indicate they think the game is starting to level pout in terms of balance.Notably, rangers are getting a big buff, which might bring them back for 9.17. Check out the full scope of changes below!
Buffs: Ranger, Shapeshifter, Yordle, Warwick, Lissandra, Lucian
Nerfs: Hextech, Noble, Graves, Gangplank, Leona
Tweaks: Assassin
New: Pantheon
Teamfight Tactics patch 9.17 notes
Hey Tacticians, welcome to the Teamfight Tactics patch 9.17 notes.
This week, Pantheon crashes into the Convergence as the newest champion to join the roster. We also have a series of changes that culminate in giving some consistency to a few traits: Assassins are getting a mini-rework that adds critical strike chance to their kit at the expense of some damage. Rangers have an increased chance to proc their Attack Speed bonus, Shapeshifters should transform faster, and Yordles will dodge more.
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Now, let's get into it.
Blake "Riot Beernana" Edwards
New Champion
- Cost: 5 Gold
- Origin: Dragon
- Class: Guardian
- Grand Starfall: Pantheon leaps in the air, crashing down towards the farthest enemy, stunning them for 4/6/8 seconds. Enemies in Pantheon's path take 15%/30%/45% of their Maximum Health as Magic Damage. They then burn for an additional 20% of their Maximum Health as True Damage over 10 seconds. Applies Grievous Wounds. Note: the in-game tooltip is lagging behind and will be updated to reflect this in patch 9.18.
- The first carousel now has all 2 cost units.
- Ghost armies now benefit from Trait bonuses. They’re actually spooky now!
- Attack Speed cap has been increased from 2.5 to 5.0. So fast.
- Tooltips have been updated to be more clear, and numbers scale with Ability Power.
Reworked to add a bit more consistency.
- Increased the delay before Assassins jump so they can access the backline more often.
- (3) Trait Bonus: 125% Crit Damage ⇒ 75% Crit Damage & 10% Crit Chance
- (6) Trait Bonus: 350% Crit Damage ⇒ 150% Crit Damage & 25% Crit Chance
- Item disable duration: 8 seconds ⇒ 7 seconds
Tapping down their power a little bit.
- Armor & Magic Resist: 60 ⇒ 50
- Healing: 35 ⇒ 25
Making Rangers more consistent.
- Double Attack Speed chance: 25%/65% ⇒ 30% /70%
We're making it a little easier for Shapeshifters to transform.
- Nidalee Total Mana: 100 ⇒ 85
- Jayce Armor: 30 ⇒ 35
- Jayce will now transform at max mana, even if there is no one in range to knock away.
- Shyvana Total Mana: 100 ⇒ 85
- Gnar Total Mana: 125 ⇒ 100
Sticking with our consistency theme here.
- Dodge chance: 30%/55% ⇒ 35%/60%
- Adjusted his interaction with Rapidfire Cannon. He maintains the range bonus but it now narrows his bullet spread, like a shotgun choke.
- Health: 600 ⇒ 650
- Health: 450 ⇒ 500
- Starting Mana/Total Mana: 50/125 ⇒ 0/85
- Ability Damage: 150/275/400 ⇒ 175/325/475
- Relentless Pursuit's second shot now scales with Lucian's attack speed.
- Ability Damage: 200/325/450 ⇒ 150/250/350
- Stun Duration: 5/8/11 seconds ⇒ 5/7/9 seconds
Healing Changes
Healing effects were tuned around Grievous Wounds, completely turning them off. Since we're reducing Grievous Wounds' effect, we're also reducing the effectiveness of other healing effects to keep them from becoming too strong.
- Grievous Wounds Healing Reduction: 100% ⇒ 80%
- The Bloodthirster Healing: 50% of Damage ⇒ 40% of Damage
- Hextech Gunblade Healing: 33% of Damage ⇒ 25% of Damage
- Swain Demonflare Healing: 50/90/130 ⇒ 40/70/100
- Redemption Healing: 1500 ⇒ 1200
- Hextech: Fixed a disabled Infinity Edge losing more crit damage than it should
- Hextech: Fixed a disabled Ionic Spark not re-enabling its effect.
- Hextech: Fixed a disabled Zeke Herald not re-enabling its effect.
- Hextech: Fixed disabled Locket of the Iron Solari not re-enabling its effect.
- Improved Shyvana’s ability logic. She now looks for spots to jump to that are far away from her target.
- Fixed Rek’Sai not properly knocking up her target at longer distances.
- Fixed Warwick spawning a new Warwick if he dies mid-leap.
- Fixed Warwick's Ability Damage scaling with his bonus Attack Damage.
- Ahri will no longer cast her ability at an enemy not in range.
- Lucian now correctly triggers launch attack effects (Statikk Shiv, Runaan’s Hurricane) on his first auto after his dash.
- Fixed Luden’s not triggering if the target of the spell died.
- Fixed Vi ult sometimes chain hitting the same enemy.
- Little Legends that get inside the initial shared draft barrier before it comes down are now booted out.
- Updated Dragon and Elder Dragon fireball VFX.
- You can now mute player emotes + pings through the scoreboard.
- Added new visual effects to show off your win streak on scoreboard.