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Patch 9.14 Notes - Official League of Legends Notes Released!



The largest set of patch notes is upon us this season and features a ton of counterplay mechanics introduced to specifically reduce healing and break shields. As an enchanter support main, this will not be pleasant, but as an ex-Blitzcrank main, this will be fun...Meanwhile, Ahri's getting back her dash stopping power on her charm, but is trading away some of the damage amplification to make up for it. Now she's a viable counter to Leblanc again!

Check out the full scope of changes below!


Buffs: Alistar, Aurelion Sol, Bard, Blitzcrank, Cassiopeia, Fizz, Jhin, Karma, Katarina, Kennen, Kled, LeBlanc, Morgana, Poppy, Renekton, Malphite, Nidalee, Pyke, Ryze, Urgot,
Nerfs: Diana, Galio, Jayce, Lux, Mordekaiser, Neeko, Singed, Tahm Kench, Yuumi
Tweaks: Aatrox, Ahri, Akali, Leona, Swain, Sylas

Patch 9.14 Notes


Hey, all! We're finally at the halfway point of the season. How's your Ranked climb going? How are your TFT games going? For more details on the schedule for future patches for the remainder of the year, please check out the Patch Schedule on the Support page! Also, tell your friends and bookmark that link!

During this patch, we're introducing certain counter mechanics to some champions' existing abilities. Our general thought is: Having natural counters to common and powerful effects in the game will help make it healthier in the long-term. And as a part of our overarching Summoner's Rift balance strategy, we want to continue encouraging diversity in lane picks and push safer and more reliable champions to a more "sharp" space like other champions are in currently.

Hopefully, the existence of these counters also introduces a slew of not-as-present champions to the mix in all levels of play. We were very selective in the champions we chose to add these mechanics to, keeping in mind their status in the game currently. We believe, in the long term, these additions will make pros' draft priorities more robust which can lessen the amount of nerf cycles on certain champions and allow us more opportunities to give more love and attention to others.

With these points in mind, here are the counters that will be added to specific champions in 9.14:
  • Anti-shield
  • Anti-healing
  • Flat damage reduction
  • Improvements to true sight mechanics
  • Anti-mobility
These changes are the last planned round of significant pattern-level or mechanic updates to champions before the end of the season. That being said, we won't turn a blind eye to game-impacting things that may crop up during the rest of the year.

Stay frosty!
 Hanna “shio shoujo” Woo Paul "Aether" Perscheid

Patch Highlights

Demacia Vice Garen and Demacia Vice Lucian will be available on July 18, 2019.

Teamfight Tactics Patch Notes

9.14 also marks the first patch with official TFT patch notes! From now on, you can expect TFT patch notes almost every week on their own separate page. This first official patch week we have a whole host of changes. First, Twisted Fate is warping in to the Convergence for all your piracy and spell-slinging needs. Then, get ready to start climbing because the ranked Beta Season is coming and as they say, “RNG is a ladder.” Finally, items and gold will now drop from NPC rounds on a more consistent basis.

Looking for the full Teamfight Tactics patch notes? Take this magical journey!

Anti-Shielding Champions

Blitzcrank's and Renekton's new anti-shielding effect specifically break damage-absorbing shields.


R now destroys shields on enemies before dealing damage and silencing.

R - Static Field

NEWE.M.P.Static Field now removes shields on enemies before its other effects (damage and silence)


Empowered W now breaks shields on targets before dealing damage and stunning.

W - Ruthless Predator

NEWBREAKING GLASS ANGRILYDestroys existing shields on targets when empowered with 50 Fury before its existing effects (damage and stun)

Anti-Healing Champions

While all other current healing reduction sources in the game cap out at 40%, Katarina's and Kled's will be at 60%, making them uniquely powerful and better than items like Executioner's Calling against specific healing team comps.


R healing reduction increased.

R - Death Lotus

I NEED MORE BANDAGES40% healing reduction  60% healing reduction


Q pull now applies healing reduction.

Q - Bear Trap on a Rope

NEWBEETS ARE FOR BEARSPulling in an enemy reduces all healing on them by 60% for 5 seconds

Flat Damage Reduction Champions

Leona and Fizz will now be a little stronger against opponents with "death by a thousand cuts" types of damage patterns, like on-hit and DoT champions.


Passive reduces all sources of damage.

Passive - Nimble Fighter

DAMAGE REDUCTION4/6/8/10/12/14 (levels 1/4/7/10/13/16) against basic attacks  4 (+0.01 ability power) against all sources of damage(maximum of 50% reduction)


W reduces damage by a flat amount; armor decreased; magic resist decreased. R no longer empowers basic attacks.

W - Eclipse

NEWFLAT DAMAGE REDUCTIONEclipse now grants 8/12/16/20/24 pre-mitigation damage reduction (maximum of 50% reduction)
ARMOR25/35/45/55/65  20/25/30/35/40
MAGIC RESIST20/30/40/50/60  20/25/30/35/40

R - Solar Flare

REMOVEDINCANDESCENCELeona no longer gains empowered basic attacks after casting Solar Flare

True Sight Champions

While these abilities already provide true sight, we're taking them a step further and extending the true sight effect beyond these champions' abilities' tethers and into the complete CC.


W now provides true sight on rooted targets.

W - Focused Resolve/Renewal

NEWI SEE YOUFocused Resolve/Renewal now reveals successfully rooted targets for the duration of the root as well


E now provides true sight on rooted targets.

E - Ethereal Chains

NEWNOW I SEE YOUEthereal Chains now reveals successfully rooted targets for the duration of the root as well


R now provides true sight on stunned targets.

R - Soul Shackles

NEWALL-SEEING EYESoul Shackles now reveals successfully stunned targets for the duration of the root as well

Anti-Mobility Champions

Because mobility is such a prominent feature on many mainstay champions, we're increasing the power and number of anti-mobility options players have against them. This should open up more opportunities for Ahri, Cassiopeia, and Poppy to outplay their slippier opponents without increasing their overall power.


E now cancels in-progress dashes; bonus damage duration decreased.

E - Charm

NEWSTOP IN THE NAME OF LOVECharm now cancels in-progress dashes
BONUS DAMAGE DURATION5 seconds  3 seconds


W minimum cast range removed; maximum cast range decreased; cooldown increased early and decreased late. E healing increased; now reduced when poisoning minions and small monsters; cost flattened. Ability casts now buffer.
Outside of the flexibility in mobility, Cassio is getting too much out of just a few (or one!) points in her E, so we're amping up the value at later ranks to encourage a full rank-up.


NEWBUFFERINGCassiopeia can now buffer her ability casts

Base Stats

HEALTH537  575
MANA418  350
ARMOR25  20

W - Miasma

REMOVEDMINIMUM CAST RANGECassiopeia no longer has a minimum cast range on Miasma
COOLDOWN18/17.5/17/16.5/16 seconds  24/21/18/15/12 seconds

E - Twin Fang

NEWBASICALLY RAT POISONCassiopeia heals for 75% less when she poisons minions and small monsters
HEAL5-22 (based on level) (+0.1 ability power)  13/16/19/22/25% of her ability power
COST40/45/50/55/60 mana  50 mana at all ranks


W bonus movement speed increased; bonus movement speed duration decreased; grounds and slows dashing enemies.

W - Steadfast Presence

NEWCRASH-INTO HELLOIf Poppy stops an enemy from dashing or casting a movement ability, she grounds and slows them by 25% for 2 seconds
MOVEMENT SPEED DURATION2.5 seconds  2 seconds

Champion Balance


Base health regen growth increased. R no longer revives Aatrox; amplified self-healing increased; cooldown decreased.
Despite the adjustments we've made over the past couple of patches, Aatrox has remained a stalwart presence in pro play. We're making him less reliable as a blind pick with the removal of revives from his ultimate.

Base Stats


R - World Ender

REMOVEDMORTALAatrox no longer earns a Revive through kills
AMPLIFIED SELF-HEALING40/55/70%  50/60/70%
COOLDOWN140/120/100 seconds  120/100/80 seconds


W cooldown flattened; energy restore flattened; duration extension removed; stealth type changed. Q AP ratio increased. E damage increased. R cooldown increased.
We're taking some steps to make Akali a little less slippery while buffing her in other areas. By changing her stealth type to Invisibility, she'll now be revealed by true sight, giving more enemies a way to find her when she's in her shroud. Additionally, there will be a higher cost when she chooses to use her ultimate as a means of escape. But on the plus side, the buffs to her energy restore and damage on her E will help her stay lethal against any unfortunate, caught-out enemy.

Base Stats


Q - Five Point Strike

RATIO0.5 ability power  0.6 ability power

W - Twilight Shroud

STEALTH TYPEObscurity  Invisibility (Akali is now fully revealed by True Sight effects, rather than only her outline)
COOLDOWN25/22/19/16/13 seconds  20 seconds at all ranks
ENERGY RESTORE40/50/60/70/80  80 at all ranks
REMOVEDDURATION EXTENSIONTwilight Shroud's duration no longer extends if Akali breaks invisibility by basic attacking or using abilities

E - Shuriken Flip

SHURIKEN DAMAGE70/105/140/175/210 (+0.7 bonus attack damage) 40/70/100/130/160 (+0.35 total attack damage)
NEWSHURIKEN AP RATIO0.5 ability power
DASH DAMAGE50/80/110/140/170 (+0.7 bonus attack damage) 40/70/100/130/160 (+0.35 total attack damage)
NEWDASH AP RATIO0.5 ability power

R - Perfect Execution

COOLDOWN100/85/70 seconds  120/110/100 seconds


Base mana and mana growth increased.
Giving Alistar a boost in average play without making him overbearing in pro. The increase in mana helps those who may struggle with managing their resources in lane.

Base Stats

MANA278.84  350

Aurelion Sol

Q max stun duration and radius growth per second increased. E max movement speed now scales with level.
Making larger-than-lane Q stars is so bad that it's just considered trolling. But it's definitely one of the cooler parts of Aurelion Sol's kit and should actually be considered a viable ability, especially in coordinated play. These changes should help encourage more dummy thicc Q stars.

Q - Starsurge

MAXIMUM STUN DURATION1.65/1.8/1.95/2.1/2.25 seconds after traveling for 5 seconds  2.2/2.4/2.6/2.8/3 seconds after traveling for 5 seconds (minimum stun duration still 0.55/0.6/0.65/0.7/0.75/0.8 seconds))
STAR RADIUS GROWTHIncreased by 33%

E - Comet of Legend

MAXIMUM BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED25/30/35/40/45%  25-45% (levels 1-18)


Base health increased; health regen decreased. E travel speed increased; ally bonus speed flattened.
We're shifting some of Bard's durability around to help him survive all-ins with his team, and speeding up his tunnel mobility for stronger early-game ganks.

Base Stats

HEALTH535  575

E - Magical Journey

ALLY BONUS SPEED10/20/30/40/50%  33% at all ranks


Passive and R bugfixes. Q arc speed decreased. W cost bugfixed.
Diana's 9.13 changes had unintended power consequences. We're adjusting accordingly.

Passive - Moonsilver Blade

BUGFIXWill no longer occasionally do unintended additional damage to turrets

Q - Crescent Strike


W - Pale Cascade

COST40/55/60/65/70 mana  40/55/70/85/100 mana

R - Lunar Rush

BUGFIXLunar Rush can no longer be reset twice when a reset was timed with a new application of Moonlight


Passive cooldown reduction removed; cooldown decreased; damage increased. Q cooldown and damage increased; cost decreased late. W now interruptible by CC and restricts Flash during channel; self-slow decreased.
Galio has long been pro play regular, mainly due to his ability to safely clear waves at a range and threaten instant engages with his taunt+Flash combo. Both of these things are exceptionally powerful in pro, but have led to a low solo queue winrate for the gargoyle. This patch we're looking to diminish these pro strengths while moving that power to places that won't just lead to a different flavor of pro dominance. Overall, Galio should be worse at clearing minions from range, but have fewer mana constraints, which should encourage him to build more durability.

Base Stats


Passive - Colossal Smash

REMOVEDCOOLDOWN REDUCTIONColossal Smash's cooldown is no longer reduced every time Galio hits a unique enemy champion with an ability
COOLDOWN8 seconds  5 seconds
DAMAGE12-80 (levels 1-18) (+1.0 total attack damage) (+0.5 ability power) (+0.4 bonus magic resist)  15-160 (levels 1-18) (+1.0 total attack damage) (+0.5 ability power) (+0.6 bonus magic resist)

Q - Winds of War

COOLDOWN10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds  14/13/12/11/10 seconds
GUST DAMAGE70/105/140/175/210  80/115/150/185/220
COST80/90/100/110/120 mana  80/85/90/95/100 mana

W - Shield of Durand

NEWGROUNDEDGalio cannot Flash while channeling Shield of Durand
NEWWHY'D YOU STOP MEShield of Durand can now be interrupted by all the usual CC effects that interrupt channels
SELF-SLOW30%  15%


W cooldown decreased; root duration increased.
Adding some power into the part of Jhin's kit that rewards timing and coordination.

W - Deadly Flourish

COOLDOWN14 seconds  12 seconds
ROOT DURATION0.75/1/1.25/1.5/1.75 seconds  1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 seconds


Q cooldown increased early, decreased late; cost flattened. W double shield on return removed; shield ratio increased; shield duration decreased. R cooldown reset removed; cooldown decreased late; ratio increased.
Builds centered around the safety provided by Lux's W have risen in prominence over the last month or two. Because Lux's Prismatic Barrier dodged some of the adjustment treatment given to other shields, we're making some changes to adjust the power between her offense- and defense-oriented builds.

We're also removing Final Spark's cooldown refund since we never pushed the mechanic far enough to feel really meaningful and the effect can just be replicated with adjustments to its base cooldown.

Q - Light Binding

COOLDOWN10 seconds  13/12/11/10/9 seconds
COST40/45/50/55/60 mana  50 mana at all ranks

W - Prismatic Barrier

RETURNING SHIELDDouble outgoing shield  Same as outgoing shield (returning shield still stacks with the outgoing shield)
SHIELD RATIO0.2 ability power  0.3 ability power
MAXIMUM SHIELD150/195/240/285/330 (+0.6 ability power) 100/130/160/190/220 (+0.6 ability power)
SHIELD DURATION3 seconds  2.5 seconds

R - Final Spark

REMOVEDCOOLDOWN REFUNDNo longer refunds a percentage of its maximum cooldown when hitting at least one enemy champion that dies within 1.75 seconds
COOLDOWN80/65/50 seconds  80/60/40 seconds
RATIO0.75 ability power  1.0 ability power


Q slow increased, slow duration decreased. W empowers basic attacks on cast and cleaves in a cone; cost increased and scales with rank. VFX and QoL updates.
Malphite is one of the League's oldest champions, and we all know that rolling stones gather no moss. To that end, we're giving the Shard of the Monolith a giant quality-of-life update that should make his abilities feel more satisfying to use. Specifically, his Q should look and feel more responsive, and his W now resets his attack swing animation and cleaves in a longer-reaching cone rather than a circle.

We're also enhancing the fantasy of playing a literal mountain by scaling Malphite's size as he stacks armor throughout the match. Finally, a suite of new ability visual effects ties the whole update together and should help Malphite feel more rock solid than ever.

Visual Updates

SHINE AND POLISHNew VFX for all abilities and skins
MOUNTAIN OUT OF A MOLEHILLMalphite is slightly smaller at the start of the game
NEWMOUNTAIN MANMalphite's size now increases with his armor, capping around 850 armor

Passive - Granite Shield

NEWMOHS SCALEShield regeneration VFX added

Q - Seismic Shard

ROLLING STONESImproved cast animation for most skins
THE ROCK IS COOKINGMalphite now spawns his rock ~100 units in front of him rather than at his center point
SLOW14/17/20/23/26%  15/20/25/30/35%
SLOW DURATION4 seconds  3 seconds

NEWW - Thunderclap

EMPOWERED BASIC ATTACKMalphite's next basic attack within 6 seconds gains 50 increased range and deals 20/35/50/65/80 (+0.2 ability power) (+0.15 armor) bonus physical damage
ROCKY ROAD CONEFor the next 5 seconds after casting, Malphite's basic attacks cleave enemies in a cone in front of him, dealing 10/20/30/40/50 (+0.2 ability power) (+0.1 armor) physical damage to enemies hit
COST25 mana at all ranks  30/35/40/45/50 mana


Passive base damage decreased. E magic penetration decreased late.
Even after 9.12's hotfixes, Mordekaiser is too strong. We're following up with some additional adjustments, pulling some power out of his damage amplification in the mid-game and his passive damage overall.

Passive - Darkness Rise

BASE DAMAGE8-25 (levels 1-18)  5-15 (levels 1-18)
BUGFIXNo longer activates on Mordekaiser's corpse if it procs via Death's Grasp hitting 3 enemies after Mordekaiser dies

E - Death's Grasp

MAGIC PENETRATION5/10/15/20/25%  5/7.5/10/12.5/15%


Cougar E base magic damage increased.
Giving Nidalee a tiny bit of all-in help and jungle clear speed without impacting her already strong ranged abilities.

E - Swipe

BASE DAMAGE70/130/190/250  80/140/200/260


E now stuns non-champions. R deals reduced damage to surviving enemies; now grants Pyke additional "Your Cut" gold as well.
Pyke's 9.13 changes had the intended outcome of equalizing performance between support Pyke and solo Pyke, but left solo Pyke with some room for buffs.

E - Phantom Undertow

NEWDANNY PHANTOMPhantom Undertow now stuns non-champions, but deals no damage to them

R - Death From Below

NEWSURVIVORDeals 50% reduced damage to enemies that survive Death from Below
SPLIT BOUNTYWhen Pyke kills an enemy with Death from Below, the last assisting ally  the last assisting ally and Pyke are granted "Your Cut"
FIRST MATEWhen Pyke assists on a kill following Death from Below, he receives 1 "Your Cut"  2 "Your Cut"
NEWICONDeath from Below's icon now shows next to Pyke's health bar when it can be cast for free


Base health regen and health regen growth increased. Q and E bugfixes.
While the dart didn't land on "REWORK" this patch, it did land on "BUGFIX" and slightly grazed "BUFF" (we're giving him more forgiveness in lane while players acclimate to his new ability patterns).

Base Stats


Q - Overload

BUGFIX 1Overload no longer cancels Ryze's movement when spammed during its cast time
BUGFIX 2Overload no longer bounces back to its original target if Spell Flux is applied to it during other bounces

E - Spell Flux

BUGFIX 3Now correctly triggers Manaflow Band when it bounces to a champion
BUGFIX 4Spell Flux no longer bounces back to its original target off of other targets that have Flux on them


Q recast timer increased; brighter ability icon when toggled on in the spell bar.
Making our toggle spells more consistent in timing so they get cancelled less.

Q - Poison Trail

RECAST TIMER0 seconds  0.5 seconds
INDICATORWhen toggled on, Poison Trail's icon will be highlighted more brightly


Soul Fragments restore mana and permanently increase Swain's max HP. Q pierces through minions; no longer pierces through champions killed. R1 drains all nearby enemies. R2 damage tied to R1 health drained; no longer modified by Soul Fragments; now castable immediately.
Swain's Soul Fragment mechanic gated players from simply accessing his ultimate, making it a whole lot less satisfying when they're finally able to trigger it. By making collected Soul Fragments permanently increase Demonflare's damage, we're cutting out the decision-making around when Swain should cast it, while also pushing the scaling fantasy that's appropriate to his thematics.

Base Stats


Passive - Ravenous Flock

REMOVEDSTORING SOUL FRAGMENTSSwain can no longer store up to 5 Soul Fragments in reserve, empowering Demonflare
NEWSOUL EATERSwain permanently stores Soul Fragments, increasing his maximum health by 5 per Soul Fragment
NEWSOUL DRINKERCollecting a Soul Fragment restores 4/5.5/7% of Swain's mana

Q - Death's Hand

REMOVEDMEGA DRAINKilling a target no longer restores 3% of Swain's maximum mana
NEWTHUNDERBOLTBolts now always continues through minions, but stop on impact with enemy champions
COOLDOWN7.5/6.25/5/3.75/2.5 seconds  10/8.5/7/5.5/4 seconds
RANGE725  625

R - Demonic Ascension

COST0 mana  100 mana
BONUS HEALTH150/275/400  125/200/275 (+5 per Soul Fragment)
NEWGIGA DRAINSwain drains all enemy units within range, including invisible units

R - Demonflare

REMOVEDSECOND CAST HEALTH THRESHOLDSwain no longer needs to restore 125/300/450 health to cast Demonflare and can cast it immediately
DEMONFLARE DAMAGE45/60/75 (+0.21 ability power) magic damage per Soul Fragment to all nearby enemies  75% of the health Swain has drained during Demonic Ascension in magic damage, up to a cap
NEWDEMONFLARE MINIMUM DAMAGE100/150/200 (+0.5 ability power)
NEWDEMONFLARE MAXIMUM DAMAGE200/300/400 (+1.0 ability power)


Passive damage vs minions less reduced. Q detonation damage increased. E shield granted on first cast; no longer blocks non-magic damage but blocks all magic damage for a duration; cooldown flattened; second cast stun duration decreased. R cast range decreased, recast window decreased, cooldown increased, AD->AP ratio conversion decreased.
Sylas has been a high priority pick in pro play due to his versatility and late-game power. We're putting in some changes focused around reducing the fallback power of his ultimate, and changing his pick conditions.

Passive - Petricite Burst


Q - Chain Lash

DETONATION DAMAGE40/60/80/100/120 (+0.4 ability power) 45/70/95/120/145 (+0.6 ability power)

E - Abscond/Abduct

NEWABSCOND SHIELDNow shields himself against all magic damage for 2 seconds on first cast
COOLDOWN18/17/16/15/14 seconds  14 seconds at all ranks
ABDUCT STUN DURATION0.5 seconds  0.35 seconds

R - Hijack

CAST RANGE1050  950
COOLDOWN85/50/15 seconds  100/80/60 seconds
AP RATIO CONVERSION0.5 ability power to 1.0 bonus attack damage, 0.7 ability power to 1.0 total attack damage  0.4 ability power to 1.0 bonus attack damage, 0.6 ability power to 1.0 total attack damage

Tahm Kench

Passive damage health scaling increased; stacks no longer increase ability damage; abilities no longer apply stacks. Q no longer has a melee-range arc; stun now consumes all stacks. W1 Nearsight on enemies removed. W2 stun on enemies removed. E stores less Grey Health but heals for a higher percent; cooldown reduced but starts on shield expiration.
We're taking a sweeping pass at some of the things that make Tahm Kench unnecessarily frustrating to play against, notably the constant CC that plagues opponents in lane and his Q's large melee hitbox.

And he can now Devour Blue and Red Buffs, because that seems like it could be fun.

Passive - An Acquired Taste

REMOVEDFILET O' FISHAbilities no longer deal bonus magic damage based on passive stacks
REMOVEDNO FOODAbilities no longer apply An Acquired Taste stacks
ON-HIT DAMAGE1.5% Tahn Kench's maximum health per stack  2.5% Tahm Kench's maximum health at any number of stacks

Q - Tongue Lash

COOLDOWN8/7/6/5/4 seconds  8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds
REMOVEDMELEE HITBOXNo longer hits enemies in a wide arc in front of Tahm Kench on cast
NEWFISHING WITH ELECTRICITYStunning an enemy with Tongue Lash consumes all stacks of An Acquired Taste
SLOW50/55/60/65/70%  30/35/40/45/50%
SLOW DURATION2 seconds  3 seconds
STUN DURATION1.5 seconds  2 seconds

W - Devour/Regurgitate

REMOVEDANGLERFISH'S LIGHTEnemies are no longer nearsighted while Devoured
REMOVEDGROSSEnemies are no longer stunned for 0.25 seconds after they're Regurgitated
DAMAGE RATIO9/10/11/12/13% of target's maximum health  11% of target's maximum health
MAXIMUM MONSTER DAMAGE400/450/500/550/600  500
NEWFISH ARE FRIENDS AND FOODTahm Kench can now Devour and Regurgitate Blue Sentinel and Red Brambleback

E - Thick Skin

GREY HEALTH80/85/90/95/100% of the damage Tahm Kench takes 45/50/55/60/65% of the damage Tahm Kench takes
GREY HEALTH HEAL20/25/30/35/40% of Grey Health  75% of Grey Health at all ranks
COOLDOWN6 seconds starting on cast  3 seconds when Thick Skin's shield expires or is broken


W recast timer decreased.
Making our toggle spells more consistent in timing so they get cancelled less.

W - Purge

RECAST TIMER1 seconds  0.5 seconds


Passive shield decreased; mana restore removed. Q empowered damage decreased; cost increased. E missing HP scaling increased; cost decreased.
We're opening Yuumi's early game weakness to reduce her presence in pro play. These changes cut her very early lane poke dominance, while buffing her later lane scrapping.

Passive - Bop 'n' Block

SHIELD80-300 (levels 1-18)  50-300 (levels 1-18)
REMOVEDMANA RESTOREYuumi no longer restores mana when she hits an enemy with an empowered basic attack

Q - Prowling Projectile

EMPOWERED DAMAGE60/105/150/195/240/285 (+0.6 ability power) 50/95/140/185/230/275 (+0.65 ability power)
COST60/65/70/75/80/85 mana  75/80/85/90/95/100 mana

E - Zoomies!

BASE HEAL SCALINGUp to +100%  +130% based on target's missing health(healing from AP ratio still scales up to +300% based on target's missing health)
COST60/70/80/90/100 mana  30/40/50/60/70 mana

Ranged Top Laners

A handful of ranged top laners are the dominant picks in professional play because of a combination of their status as a safe early pick in the draft order and their potential to heavily punish unfavorable match-ups in the early game.

Kennen, Neeko, and Jayce all have the following attributes that give them this flexibility and dominance: exceptional (normally enhanced) basic attacks and powerful (and often low cooldown) disengage abilities. With these changes, we're attempting to push these champions' harass power down for the first few levels in exchange for scaling. The expectation is this will lower frustration for the average player, as well as lower pro pick priority.


Attack damage decreased; attack damage growth increased. Q base damage decreased early, increased late; damage ratio increased.

Base Stats


Q - Shock Blast

DAMAGE70/115/160/205/250/295 (+1.0 bonus attack damage) 55/105/155/205/255/305 (+1.2 bonus attack damage)


Attack damage and attack speed decreased; attack damage growth increased. E bonus attack speed increased.

Base Stats

ATTACK SPEED0.69  0.625

E - Lightning Rush

BONUS ATTACK SPEED30/40/50/60/70%  40/50/60/70/80%


Attack damage and attack speed decreased; attack damage growth and attack speed growth increased. Passive no longer breaks when Neeko basic attacks enemy champions. W passive movement speed decreased.

Base Stats

ATTACK SPEED0.645  0.625

Passive - Inherent Glamour

GUESS WHO?Neeko no longer loses her disguise when basic attacking enemy champions

W - Shapesplitter

PASSIVE BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED20/25/30/35/40%  10/15/20/25/30%

ARAM Balance Changes

9.14 Nerfs

CORKI+5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken  -5% damage taken
ILLAOIUnchanged  -5% damage dealt & +5% damage taken
JARVAN IV+5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken  -5% damage taken
KLED+5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken  -5% damage taken
NAMIUnchanged  +5% damage taken
TRYNDAMERE+10% damage dealt & -10% damage taken  +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken
URGOTUnchanged  -5% damage dealt
VOLIBEARUnchanged  +5% damage taken

9.14 Buffs

AKALI+18% damage dealt & -8% damage taken  +18% damage dealt & -12% damage taken
ALISTAR+5% damage taken  Unchanged
JAYCEUnchanged  +5% damage dealt
QIYANAUnchanged  +12% damage dealt & -10% damage taken
SYLASUnchanged  +5% damage dealt
SYNDRAUnchanged  +5% damage dealt
TALON-5% damage taken  +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken
TRUNDLE+5% damage taken  Unchanged
YUUMIUnchanged  +5% damage dealt

Death Recap

The new Death Recap is now live! This new and improved version includes damage type breakdowns, fight duration, and CC duration. Clicking the Recap will allow you to expand and see additional details on damage sources. We still have some more improvements planned for the future, so stay tuned. In the meantime, get in the game and see it for yourself!

Show [Allied] Chat

We've added a new option under Settings>Interface>Chat that will now allow you to mute your allies' chats. There is now a separate checkbox for "Show [Allied] Chat" next to the already existing "Show [All] Chat". Both settings will be checked by default, but players can now uncheck both to mute both enemies' and teammates' chats permanently, or until they're turned back on. However, unchecking both will not mute the pre- and post-game chat, but we've heard your requests and are considering including those in the future!


  • Qiyana's W - Terrashape passive now procs correctly with Liandry's Torment
  • Galio's E - Justice Punch no longer remains in the realm it was cast in when entering/existing Mordekaiser's R - Realm of Death
  • Corki's Passive - Hextech Munitions's The Package no longer spawns only in Mordekaiser's R - Realm of Death if Corki was banished there at the time of its spawn
  • Rammus' Q - Powerball and Lucian's R - The Culling can no longer be interrupted by CC effects while under the effects of Edge of Night, Banshee's Veil, or Morgana's E - Black Shield
  • Vision Score now properly updates on the vision Trinket's tooltip

Upcoming Skins & Chromas

The following skins will be released this patch. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splash art!
The following chromas will be released this patch:

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