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Champions Tier List | Patch 8.23 | Solo Queue


League of Legends Solo Queue Tier list for Patch 8.23:

Are you looking for a League of Legends solo queue tier list to win more ranked games and reach Gold, Diamond, or maybe even Challenger the FASTEST way possible?

Don't be a meta-sheep and follow the herd, this LoL Champion Tier List gets you that sweet League of Legends LP by listing out the strongest champions that will winyou games while your friends are still trying to play Ryze just because the *pros* are doing it.
God Tier Champions this time around include: Mid [Ahri, Kassadin, Malzahar]

SEASON 8 - PATCH 8.23 


"Best Champions to Climb With

Are you looking for a League of Legends solo queue tier list to win more ranked games and reach Gold, Diamond, or maybe even Challenger the FASTEST way possible?

Don't be a meta-sheep and follow the herd, this LoL Champion Tier List gets you that sweet League of Legends LP by listing out the strongest champions that will winyou games while your friends are still trying to play Ryze just because the *pros* are doing it.

Patch 8.23

Welcome to the Dark Harvest patch, where anyone who does well with Dark Harvest naturally does well in the current damage meta. Even after the hotfix, it's still incredibly strong on long duration damage champions like Teemo, Brand, and Karthus.

If you're looking to roll over enemy teams in the pre-season, make sure to give these champions a go.
Check out the full list below!

As always, don't forget to like the site on Facebook if you haven't already!

If you're looking for a more meta based tier list based on popularity, be sure to check out the FOTM list as well!
For a list of champions with the highest *potential* in the game without regard to difficulty or team synergies, browse the strongest potential champions in each position!
Be sure to visit our Optimal Champion Bans by Division too!
Patch 8.23 Summary
Buffs: Ezreal
Nerfs: Aatrox
Tweaks: Lissandra, Taliyah
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Tier List

God Tier List

[Highest Influence | Good In Almost Every Situation | Easiest to Gain LP With]

Mid LaneKarthusKassadin, Katarina
JungleKayn, Xin Zhao, Graves
Top LaneSion, Urgot, Viktor
Bot LaneLucian, Miss Fortune, Jhin
SupportJanna, Thresh, Leona

God Tier Rising: Graves (Jungle), Janna (Support), Jhin (Bot), Karthus (Mid), Katarina (Mid), Viktor (Top)
God Tier Falling: Thresh (Support)

Tier 1

[Strong/Preferred Choices | Faster to Learn and Win | Works Well In Solo Queue]

Mid-LaneAhriMalzahar, Twisted Fate, Fizz, Annie, Ekko, Anivia, Lissandra, Lux, Orianna, Talon, Veigar, Ziggs, Vel'Koz, Leblanc, Zed, Zilean, Irelia, Cassiopeia, Vladimir, Xerath
Jungle: Jax, Elise, Taliyah, Rammus, Evelynn, Camille, Kindred, Nocturne, Shaco, Nidalee, Ivern, Ekko, Udyr, Warwick, Kha'Zix, Nunu, Wukong, Rengar, Lee Sin
Top: Garen, Jax, Teemo, Darius, Irelia, Yorick, Illaoi, Aatrox, Camille, Kayle, Renekton, Quinn, Wukong, Singed, Gangplank, Kled, Malphite, Poppy, Pantheon, Jarvan IV, Fiora, Jayce, Rumble, Lissandra, Riven, Akali
Bot Lane: Twitch, Ashe, Jinx, Draven, Xayah, Sivir, Ezreal, Kai'Sa, Vayne, Mordekaiser, Karthus, Quinn, Varus, Veigar, Ziggs
Support: Nami, Rakan, Brand, Alistar, Sona, Blitzcrank, Zyra, Soraka, Morgana, Pyke, Braum, Bard, Taric, 

Tier 1 Rising: Annie (Mid), Brand (Support), Elise (Jungle), Lissandra (Mid), Zyra (Support)
Tier 1 Falling: Ahri (Mid), Darius (Top), Irelia (Mid), Malzahar (Mid), Nami (Support), Sivir (Bot), Taliyah (Jungle), Zed (Mid)

Tier 2

[Viable/Balanced Choices | Common In Solo Queue | Needs Practice To Get Good]

Mid-Lane: Akali, Swain, Brand, Yasuo, Aurelion Sol, Aatrox, Wukong, Diana, Viktor, Karma, Zoe, Corki, Jayce, Azir, Gangplank, Syndra, Taliyah, Morgana, Galio, Kennen, Kayle, Gragas, Heimerdinger
Jungle: Master Yi, Trundle, Maokai, Aatrox, Shyvana, Dr. Mundo, Skarner, Rek'Sai, Zac, Vi, Jarvan IV, Sejuani, Olaf, Cho'Gath, Hecarim, Gragas, Quinn, Amumu, Volibear, Pantheon, Karthus, Twitch
Top: Tryndamere, Swain, Volibear, Yasuo, Vladimir, Olaf, Nasus, Maokai, Shen, Gnar, Karma, Heimerdinger, Ornn, Cho'gath, Dr. Mundo, Malzahar, Kennen, Talon, Galio, Trundle, Gragas, Nautilus, Mordekaiser, Fizz, Ekko, Rammus, Rengar, Cassiopeia, Tahm Kench, Graves, Diana, Kassadin
Bot Lane: Caitlyn, Tristana, Kog'Maw, Yasuo, Brand, Kalista, Swain, Jayce, Heimerdinger, Vladimir
Support: Lulu, Lux, Vel'Koz, Shen, Fiddlesticks, Sion, Karma, Zilean, Nautilus, Xerath, Tahm Kench, Zoe, Maokai

Tier 2 Rising: Karthus (Jungle), Lux (Support)
Tier 2 Falling

Tier 3

[Needs Higher Skill or Knowledge | Counterpicks]

Mid-Lane: Ezreal, Lucian, Zyra, Ryze, Kog'Maw (AP), Cho'Gath, Pantheon, Quinn, Nasus, Lulu, Mordekaiser, Sona, Varus, Urgot, Teemo, Jarvan IV, Jhin, Riven, Sion, Fiddlesticks, Malphite, 
Jungle: Pyke, Poppy, Fizz, Galio, Kayle, Malphite, Sion, Nautilus, Diana, Rumble, Riven, Talon, Tryndamere, Kled, Mordekaiser, Irelia, Fiddlesticks, Tahm Kench, Kog'Maw
Top: Udyr, Sejuani, Shaco, Zed, Ryze, Vayne, Lulu, Xin Zhao, Nunu, Rek'Sai, Karthus, Lee Sin, Kha'Zix, Vi, Shyvana
Bot Lane:Kennen, Corki, Graves, Urgot
Support: Poppy, Teemo, Malzahar, Galio, Cho'Gath, Camille, Trundle, Annie, Volibear, Malphite, Shaco, Veigar, Gragas, Nunu, Kayle, Leblanc, Kennen

Tier 3 Rising:
Tier 3 Falling

Tier 4

[Low Benefit Based On Effort Used]

Mid-Lane:Master Yi, JannaAP Kaisa
Jungle:Nasus, Gangplank, Fiora, Shen, Darius, Zed, Aurelion Sol, Garen, Alistar, Yorick
Top:Blitzcrank, Taliyah, Alistar, Leblanc
Bot Lane:Twisted Fate
Support:Miss Fortune, Pantheon, Ashe, Anivia, Lee Sin, Gangplank, Orianna, Lissandra

Tier 4 Rising:
Tier 4 Falling: Janna (Mid), AP Kaisa (Mid)

Instructions and Caveats:

  • Champions in BOLD I will talk about shortly
  • Champions UNDERLINEDmay be over/undervalued, but aren't/haven't played enough for me to make a better judgment.
  • Within each tier, the champions are strongest from left to right, but within a tier each champion's strength is relatively close. This is especially true for Tiers 2 and 3 where these champions are ALL highly playable and player dependent on how strong they are in-game.
  • Win Rates are important in analyzing each champion's strength but are not the end-all criteria for any champion's position.
  • Professional Picks may not necessarily translate into good picks for solo queue ladder, the two have slightly different meta-games and skill levels.
  • The creator of this list is diamond so there may be some personal bias towards higher tier play on certain champions.

Champion Explanations

  • Brand [Tier 1 Support] - As a support, Brand has a ton of opportunity to stack Dark Harvest on two targets. It not only procs off his passive, but when you couple it with the high sustain and long skirmishes, he can get quite a few laning phase stacks even if he doesn't get a kill. Meanwhile, his damage output allows him to be a secondary threat in this high-burst bruiser meta. When your marksman inevitably dies, your team still has a strong secondary damage source.
  • Elise [Tier 1 Jungle] - The new Dark Harvest is extremely good on Elise as a result of her execute and ability to stall out via her Rappel. Her jungle rivals have also been nerfed, making her viable again.
  • Janna [God Tier Support] - The new Celerity is extremely powerful on Janna. Most other champions will feel nerfed by the loss of adaptive damage, but Janna still benefits just as much as a result of her Tailwind passive that grants her bonus damage based on her bonus movement speed. It also stacks with her Zephyr's movement speed bonus, giving her a ton of free stats.
  • Jhin [God Tier Bot] - Jhin's another champion that's finding great success using the new Dark Harvest rune. As a champion that already specializes in executes, he can now 50 to 0 enemy champions with ease, even without his fourth shot. 
  • Karthus [God Tier Mid] - While others may find success, Karthus is by far the #1 benefactor of Dark Harvest. His natural inclination to take down low health champions coupled with his continuous damage applications from his Defile means that not only does Dark Harvest proc often, but it also procs as soon as it's off cooldown. 
  • Karthus [Tier 1 Bot] - Bot lane Karthus isn't exactly new, but it's certainly a lot more viable now that Karthus himself is so strong. Peel supports work best with Karthus in order to keep his sustained damage going as long as possible. Sona, Karma, and Rakan are likely going to be your best bets.
  • Katarina [God Tier Mid] - Some Katarina players still like to pick up Electrocute, but Dark Harvest is the way to go if you want to really snowball hard. Players are also currently playing looser now that we're in preseason, which allows Katarina to get free kills and snowball harder.
  • Malzahar [Tier 1 Mid] - Malzahar is still very good in the current meta, but he's getting shoved down since Karthus and Katarina are being moved up. He's more of a power pick when enemy players are being safe since he's so consistent, but Katarina definitely takes advantage of mistakes more.
  • Teemo [Tier 1 Top] - Seeing Teemo this high up is a bit concerning, but his Dark Harvest synergy is incredible. Not only does it tick off his shrooms, but it also ticks of Liandry's Torment. This means that late game, it will almost always proc the moment a squishy runs over a shroom and potentially get one shot.
  • Viktor [God Tier Top] - Viktor's being moved back up a patch after his nerf. He's still incredibly strong, and although he's not nearly as good as he was before, his same tank build affords him a ton of utility. 
  • The purpose of this list is for discussion and to provide a starting point for champion selection.

Agree? Disagree? Comment below!

If you're looking for a more meta based tier list based on popularity, be sure to check out the FOTM list as well!
For a list of champions with the highest *potential* in the game without regard to difficulty or team synergies, jump to the strongest potential champions in each position!
Be sure to visit Optimal Champion Bans by Division too!

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