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Top 10 Things to Remember as Season 8 Ends


Season 8 Ends November 12, 2018! 

With the end of the season fast approaching, stress levels are high but it's important to keep a calm head and carry on. When you're feeling nervous about closing out the Season strong, try keeping these 10 things in mind to maximize your LP gains!

Season 8 Ends November 12, 2018! 

With the end of the season fast approaching, stress levels are high but it's important to keep a calm head and carry on. When you're feeling nervous about closing out the Season strong, try keeping these 10 things in mind to maximize your LP gains!

Be kind to your teammates

Everyone has a rough game every once in a while, but avoiding toxicity is proven to help you win more games. If you really feel ragey, leave it for the post-game lobby. Just remember that most people are trying to actually win the game. Meanwhile, if they truly are trolling, feeding them just makes it worse. Don't feed the trolls!

Trolls are out in full force

Another reason to stay positive towards your teammates is that near the end of the season, "gatekeeper" trolls are out in full force. With any luck, they'll decide they rather prevent the enemy team from getting promoted than your team...and you along with it. However, if you end up triggering the wrong troll, you could end up with a free loss on your hands.

Popular champs are not the best

Just because you see champions pick/banned on streams or on the world stage, they may not necessarily be the best champions to play in solo queue. If you happen to be good at them, feel free to continue using them. However, don't just select them because you see professional level players dominating with them. Stick to what you're good at or check out the solo queue tier list for some ideas.

Don't tilt into the late night

If you become desperate to grind ranked games, some players end up playing late into the night, even if they're on a losing streak. This is one of the worst things you can do as your reactions and decision-making ability is impaired. It also sets you up for poor performance the next day, which can quickly lead to a vicious cycle and excessive LP loss.

Matchmaking is not a kind master

Sometimes you end up with int'ers and AFKs through your entire promo series. Garbage happens. However, we tend to remember the bad over the good, and games where the enemy team has an AFK ends up slipping our minds. As long as you don't int or AFK, the odds are in your favor.

Nobody will care about last year's rank

Scoring that sweet Diamond border is nice, but it's not the end all. Last year's rank doesn't tell this year's skill. As long as you reach your rank in the new season, players will all but forget about last year's border. In fact, it's something of a mark of honor when you see someone at higher divisions with a lower division border since that means they're either smurfing or they greatly improved.

Gold is the only rank that gets a real reward

Gold players and above generally receive a year-end exclusive skin and free champion. Anything above that (besides challenger) just gets you something most players don't really see too often. As long as you get to at least gold, don't sweat the small tiers. Gold, Plat, and Diamond players are really all the same anyway. We're all just filthy casuals.

Farming wins games

When it comes to play-making, simply out-farming your opponent will give you a massive advantage at essentially every division. If you can avoid trading kills and instead just out-farm your opponent, it gives you a free and easy path to victory. Outplaying enemies is always easier with a nice 3k passive gold advantage.

Play around your team

When I say farming wins games, this doesn't mean to ignore your team completely though. There's nothing that tilts teammates more than seeing their allies just standing around watching them die. While you don't have to initiate strategies you don't like, if an objective call is made, you either have to convince them to back off or help them do it. Nobody likes an "i-told-you-so" while you're running the opposite direction.

Stay Positive

All in all, the same advice in life applies to your ranked grind. Stay positive throughout and you'll do much better. It's been hammered over and over by guides the world over, but it really is the best thing you can do for yourself and your ranked grind.

How's your ranked climb to challenjour going? Comment below!

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