Have you ever wondered if there's something everyone else is doing that you seem intuitive to them but never really occurred to you? Maybe switching your D and F key lets you react half a second earlier or maybe everyone's got some sort of glare protector on their screen that lets them see twice as much as you during team fights.
While switching your D and F key probably won't do too much for your gameplay, these tips below will definitely improve your game more than you would guess from how easy they are. Check out the tips below!
I set mine at 5, which isn't the smallest it goes, but certainly gives you a TON more screen space than 5...
This lets you see objects aimed at you from the bottom of your screen much faster and gives you more time to react.
I wouldn't recommend shrinking your mini-map though.
While switching your D and F key probably won't do too much for your gameplay, these tips below will definitely improve your game more than you would guess from how easy they are. Check out the tips below!
Tip #1: Turn off Mouse Acceleration
For most of you Windows users that only play MOBAs, you've probably never gone into the mouse settings since it happens to be more of an FPS type of thing. Oops. Go to your pointer options and uncheck this button that's on by default:
This checkbox is toxic to any player that needs to accurately place their mouse at high speeds. This checkbox actually accelerates your mouse further when you move your mouse faster.
This means that your muscle memory is working twice as hard to not only adjust the distance but also to judge the speed at which you move your mouse.
Tip #2: Your icons are too big
Again, if you're like the majority of players, your spell HUD is probably way too big. League sets a default HUD size at 100, which looks absolutely ludicrous unless you're hard of seeing.
I set mine at 5, which isn't the smallest it goes, but certainly gives you a TON more screen space than 5...

This lets you see objects aimed at you from the bottom of your screen much faster and gives you more time to react.
I wouldn't recommend shrinking your mini-map though.
Tip #3: Test your ping before ranked games
Some players seem to have a nasty habit of entering a game only to discover that they've encountered the lag monster and every projectile is hitting them before they can see them (maybe their HUD is too big).
Usually, this ends up just being a handicap to the team and results in a lost game.
Try out speedtest.net or something similar to make sure your ping is low enough to actually play.

Tip #4: Practice Reaction Times
My favorite reaction speed tester is humanbenchmark, which is a simple game that lets you see how fast your reaction time is. Anything between 200 to 260ms is good, and pro gamers and athletes are generally around 130~150ms.

Tip #5: Turn on mana cost labels
This one baffles me as to why it's default off. Turning on the spell costs is somewhat of a no-brainer since it lets you quickly see the cost of every spell without relying on memory. Then again, maybe some of you just have insanely good memory...
Tip #6: Hold Shift + Right Click Instead of A + Click
Many older players tend to use A + Click to auto attack in between move commands when they're playing marksmen. If you hold Shift + Right click it'll do the same thing, which is especially helpful if you missed the first click and are about to hit a minion instead.
Tip #7: Turn off the music
I know a lot of you like to listen to your jams, but the brain reacts to sounds much faster than it reacts to visual sights. That means that if you see a spell, you'll react to it slower than if you start moving when you hear the spell.
Knowing when a spell is coming is half the battle, and if you're moving deaf you're at a disadvantage when it comes to dodging.
Tip #8: Set League priority to High
Besides making League a high priority in life, you can also go into your Task Manager (CTRL + SHIFT + ESC) and change League's priority to high in the details tab. This allows you to make sure League gets priority over your other system processes like...Battle.net updates...

Tip #9 : Set the game to borderless mode
Have you ever been alt-tabbed at a really awful time by a ridiculous Windows prompt only to discover your team's been utterly massacred in your absence? Make sure that never happens against by changing your settings to borderless mode. This allows you to keep League open no matter what happens in the background.

Tip #10: Stop playing sleepy
You know you're not going to do as well as you usually do if you're tired, so why bother trying? Use the human benchmark tool. If you're not scoring around where you usually score, then just go to bed. It's not worth playing at a subpar level just to lose LP.