Check out the full list below!

FASTEST RANKEDLP GAIN TIER LIST"What Are the Best Champions to Climb With"
Preface Chatter
It's been a long time since both Graves and Twisted Fate led the pack at the same time, but Patch 8.8 brought the terrible duo back together. Meanwhile, the Leblanc and Ahri reworks are turning some heads. Even with Leblanc getting all the spotlight, don't sleep on Ahri...Check out the full list below!
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The purpose of this list is to pick out the champions that when played, will allow you to climb divisions the fastest by winning more games. This list contains more off-meta and counter-meta placements that do well against popular picks.
Patch 8.8 Summary
Buffs: Leblanc, Ahri, Graves, Lissandra, Nautilus, Vi, Red Trinket
Nerfs: Irelia, Azir, Braum, Galio, Janna, Kai'Sa, Ryze, Sion, Tahm Kench, Taliyah, Varus, Xaya
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The Tier List
God Tier List
[Highest Influence | Good In Almost Every Situation | Easiest to Gain LP With]Mid Lane | Fizz, Twisted Fate, Ahri |
Jungle | Warwick, Graves, Xin Zhao |
Top Lane | Gangplank, Darius, Singed |
Marksman | Kai'Sa, Ezreal, Twitch |
Support | Janna, Rakan, Morgana |
God Tier Rising: Ahri (Mid), Darius (Top), Graves (Jungle), Morgana (Support), Singed (Top), Twitch (Marksman)
God Tier Falling:
God Tier Falling:
Tier 1
[Strong/Preferred Choices | Faster to Learn and Win | Works Well In Solo Queue]Mid-Lane: Zed, Swain, Anivia, Vladimir, Katarina, Malzahar, Taliyah, Brand, Orianna, Lux, Veigar, Aurelion Sol, Ziggs, Vel'Koz, Annie, Diana, Zilean, Ekko, Yasuo, Cassiopeia, Xerath, Leblanc
Jungle: Evelynn, Jax, Shaco, Kha'Zix, Nunu, Skarner, Sejuani, Master Yi, Udyr, Shyvana, Nocturne, Kindred, Nidalee
Top: Sion, Fiora, Yorick, Camille, Kled, Irelia, Lissandra, Yasuo, Illaoi, Nasus, Urgot, Teemo, Olaf, Jax, Maokai, Jarvan IV, Gnar, Jayce, Malphite, Swain, Vladimir, Volibear, Wukong, Kayle, Riven
Marksman: Xayah, Varus, Caitlyn, Miss Fortune, Jinx, Draven
Support: Lulu, Nami, Blitzcrank, Soraka, Alistar, Braum, Thresh, Sona, Taric
Tier 1 Rising: Graves (Jungle), Lissandra (Top), Lulu (Support), Sona (Support), Swain (Top), Vladimir (Mid)
Tier 1 Falling: Anivia (Mid), Irelia (Top), Kha'Zix (Jungle), Sion (Top), Soraka (Support), Xayah (Marksman)
Tier 1 Falling: Anivia (Mid), Irelia (Top), Kha'Zix (Jungle), Sion (Top), Soraka (Support), Xayah (Marksman)
Tier 2
[Viable/Balanced Choices | Common In Solo Queue | Needs Practice To Get Good]Mid-Lane: Karthus, Zoe, Corki, Jayce, Kassadin, Talon, Azir, Gangplank, Syndra, Morgana, Galio, Kennen, Kayle, Viktor, Karma, Lissandra, Akali, Sion, Gragas, Heimerdinger
Jungle: Rek'Sai, Rammus, Zac, Kayn, Vi, Jarvan IV, Camille, Olaf, Cho'Gath, Maokai, Rengar, Lee Sin, Elise, Hecarim, Gragas, Quinn, Amumu, Volibear, Wukong, Trundle, Pantheon, Twitch, Dr. Mundo, Aatrox
Top: Pantheon, Shen, Akali, Heimerdinger, Ornn, Garen, Quinn, Cho'gath, Malzahar, Kennen, Talon, Tryndamere, Renekton, Galio, Rumble, Trundle, Aatrox, Gragas, Nautilus, Mordekaiser, Poppy, Fizz, Ekko, Rammus, Rengar, Cassiopeia, Karma, Tahm Kench, Graves, Diana, Kassadin
Tier 2 Rising:
Tier 2 Falling: Bard (Support), Brand (Support)
Tier 2 Falling: Bard (Support), Brand (Support)
Tier 3
[Needs Higher Skill or Knowledge | Counterpicks]Jungle: Kai'Sa, Ezreal, Poppy, Ekko, Ivern, Fizz, Galio, Kayle, Malphite, Sion, Nautilus, Diana, Rumble, Riven, Talon, Tryndamere, Kled, Mordekaiser, Irelia, Fiddlesticks, Tahm Kench, Kog'Maw
Top:Udyr, Sejuani, Shaco, Dr. Mundo, Zed, Ryze, Vayne, Lulu, Xin Zhao, Nunu, Nidalee, Rek'Sai, Karthus, Lee Sin, Kha'Zix, Vi, Shyvana
Marksman:Ziggs, Kennen, Quinn, Corki, Graves, Urgot
Support:Teemo, Malzahar, Galio, Cho'Gath, Camille, Fiddlesticks, Trundle, Annie, Poppy, Volibear, Malphite, Shaco, Veigar, Lux, Gragas, Nunu, Kayle, Kennen
Tier 3 Rising:
Tier 3 Falling:
Tier 3 Falling:
Tier 4
[Low Benefit Based On Effort Used]Mid-Lane:Kha'Zix, Nidalee, Master Yi
Jungle:Nasus, Gangplank, Fiora, Karthus, Shen, Darius, Zed, Malzahar, Aurelion Sol, Garen, Alistar, Yorick
Top:Blitzcrank, Taliyah, Alistar, Leblanc
Marksman:Twisted Fate, Mordekaiser
Support:Miss Fortune, Pantheon, Ashe, Anivia, Lee Sin, Gangplank, Orianna, Lissandra, Leblanc
Tier 4 Rising:
Tier 4 Falling:
Tier 4 Falling:
Instructions and Caveats:
- Champions in BOLD I will talk about shortly
- Champions UNDERLINEDmay be over/undervalued, but aren't/haven't played enough for me to make a better judgment.
- Within each tier, the champions are strongest from left to right, but within a tier each champion's strength is relatively close. This is especially true for Tiers 2 and 3 where these champions are ALL highly playable and player dependent on how strong they are in-game.
- Win Rates are important in analyzing each champion's strength but are not the end-all criteria for any champion's position.
- Professional Picks may not necessarily translate into good picks for solo queue ladder, the two have slightly different meta-games and skill levels.
- The creator of this list is diamond, so there may be some personal bias towards higher tier play on certain champions.
Champion Explanations
- Ahri [God Tier Mid] - The newest Ahri changes give her immense dueling potential...provided she can land all her skillshots. Her scaling greatly increased this last patch, allowing her to pick off enemy squishies for assassination better than ever before. When you combine this with her incredibly mobile ultimate, she's really an excellent pick for solo queue.
- Graves [God Tier Jungle] - The buffs on Graves this time around may not look that big, but the cooldown reduction in his ultimate is really quite big. It allows him to use it freely in the mid to late game to deal massive damage. When you combine this with his extreme tankiness from Phantom Dancer and Death's Dance, he can execute opponents at will.
- Kai'Sa [God Tier Marksman] - Kai'Sa's nerfs this patch really weren't too bad. They decreased her bonus scaling on her Icathian Rain [Q], but she still performs largely the same as last patch. Playing the premier bot lane duelist is quite beneficial in a solo queue environment.
- Kha'Zix [Tier 1 Jungle] - Most players think of Kha'Zix as this must-ban wonder-jungler that can sweep through enemy teams with ease. However, it does take some skill to play him correctly. If you don't play intelligently and take easy kills early, enemy peel supports can easily shut him down during the team fight phase.
- Leblanc [Tier 1 Mid] - The newest Leblanc is a feast or famine type champion. If you can pick up some kills early with her she can run through enemy teams like a hot knife through butter. On the other hand, if the enemy team can prevent you from picking up free kills early, she does have trouble being an effective assassin since she needs to hit her full combo to really dish the damage.
- Morgana [God Tier Support] - Morgana's rise to the top is somewhat of an interesting scenario. Some players are rushing Zeke's Convergence on her which is decent, but it does delay the all-powerful redemption rush. Meanwhile, while her Black Shield [E] max is still sporting the highest win rates, players generally choose to max her Q instead for the crazy snare duration. Either way, can't really go too wrong with her, and she does great with hypercarries.
- Rakan [God Tier Support] - Similar to Morgana, Rakan is finding a lot of success in a meta that focuses on aggression and hypercarries. He's a bit of a jack of all trades early game, but late-game his nearly impossible to dodge R - > W combo is a pain to deal with and needs some strong reaction times to prevent.
- Singed [God Tier Top] - At first I thought maybe I'd sneak Singed into God Tier and see what your reactions would be. On the other hand, I could just talk about him here...as a champion that's got some great match-ups top and prevents top laners from joining team fights, he really wrecks some havoc in solo queue. Most top lane champions like Shen really need to be joining team fights for maximum effectiveness, but leaving Singed to his own devices is really a recipe for disaster as he capitalizes on some global gold and proxying your team to oblivion.
- The purpose of this list is for discussion and to provide a starting point for champion selection.